University of Virginia Library




Garfield, not only these do vote for you,—
Not only these, survivors tried and true,
Vote as they fought, the loyal Boys in Blue:
Not only these, who bore through shot and shell
The flag whose tatters keep their story well
(New hands upheld it when the old bearers fell).
Another mighty host comes marching slow
From their long bivouacs in the grass and snow—
By these they fought and suffered long ago.


Through every street they march with silent tread,
(Quicken the living, ye the Living Dead!)—
Look, the same tattered flag is overhead!
What captains lead them!—names well-kept as won.
(Lincoln looks down, as often he has done,
To see their marching-past, at Washington:
He votes with them and these.)—The tried and true,
They vote; the dead, as living, vote for you,—
Vote, Garfield, as they fought, the Boys in Blue!

A great political demonstration of the Grand Army of the Republic—composed of surviving officers and men of the Union Army—at Cincinnati, a few nights before, and in favour of, the election of General Garfield as President of the United States of America.