University of Virginia Library


[I am not with you, Stoddard, in your sighs]

I am not with you, Stoddard, in your sighs
Because the Hamadryads and the Fauns
Have left the moonlight lonely in the lawns!
Let science kill them with her piercing eyes,
Let death be Oberon's and Titania's doom,
Poor moonlight nothings! let the faery broods
Quit our demesne.” ... But that was in my room
In the hot city, not in these still woods
Where I have slept and dreamed the whole day long
I did their pigmy majesties much wrong,
And have been punished (such was their device,)
By them in mask; for see! this emerald spear
Of grass hath pricked a ruby on my ear,
And that fierce humble-bee hath stung me twice!