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Efficacy of Prayer.

“When I called upon thee thou heardest me, and enduedst my soul with much strength.”—

Psalm ciii, 3.

When troubles, wave on wave, assailed,
And fear my soul appalled,
I knew the Lord would rescue me,
And for deliverance called.
Still onward, onward came the flood;
Again I sought the Lord,
And prayed that he the waves would still
By his resistless word.
But still they rushing came; again
Arose my earnest prayer,
And then I prayed for faith and strength
Whate'er he willed, to bear.


Then his felt presence was my strength,
His outstretched arm was nigh;
My head he raised, my heart he cheered,
“Fear not,” he said, “'tis I.”
Strong in that strength, I rose above
The tempest's fierce alarms;
It drove me to a port of peace,
Within a Saviour's arms.