University of Virginia Library



I met her in the country
When the sun was low,
And the sky was radiant
With an amber glow.
We played croquet together
On the school-yard ground,
Till fell the twilight shadows
And the night came round.
“Good-night, sir!” said she softly,
As she walked away;
“We'll meet again to-morrow,
If fine be the day.”
Again next day I met her
In the early morn,
When heard was but the ringing
Of the hunter's horn.
With me she went afishing,
Tho' nothing was caught;
I wondered if I loved her,
Would it come to naught?


We went to church together,
And she sang a song;
I dreamed about the singing
All the night live-long.
I then knew that I loved her,
And did not repine,
Because that she was promised
And never could be mine.
But love I will forever,
Till we meet above;
For death can never sever
Bonds of sacred love.
The heaven bells will ring it
In their merry chimes—
“I love her!”—and be echoed
Back a thousand times.
The angels all will sing it
In their melody,
That I will love her ever
Thro' eternity.