University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I am glad to see that the
women of Mr. Jefferson's
University use the same method
of thinking as the Congress of
the United States of America.

I use this comparison with
the following logic. In order
for stricter control of guns to
be enacted (I might add that
they are far from adequate) it
was necessary to forfeit the
lives of several great men. Only
after that did the Congress say
"Aha! There is something
wrong here!" and pull their
heads from their maximus

The supposedly intelligent
co-eds of one of America's
truly fine universities
apparently have to see their
peers assaulted before they say
"Aha! Maybe we should take
advantage of the escort
system." Weren't the examples
at the beginning of the school
year enough to make you
females realize that we have a
problem in Charlottesville that
is here to stay and that this
wonderful service is here to
help and protect you? (I would
like to point out that I do not
work for the service sponsored
by APO and WTJU) Keep up
the good work girls; it's good
to see that you are using those
minds your S.A.T. scores
proved were so well developed.

Elrod Rampion III
Col 2