University of Virginia Library


Counselors, over 20 for unique
overnight boys summer camp in
Penna. (1/4 mile from Girls Camp)
Able to instruct one of following:
Watersafety, Waterskiing, Tennis,
Ham Radio, Pioneering,
Photography, Golf, Athletics,
Archery or Rocketry. Will be
interviewing at Va. 3-11-73. Write
Camp Director 138 Red Rambler
Drive, Lafayette Hill, Pa. 19444.

Backgammon afternoons start 2:30
at the Galight Restaurant. Still
Byoboard. Staff on hand for service
Jacoby-Crawford book on
premises. Meet beginning players,
or, experienced? Also, Mon.
through Thurs. evening, around 10
p.m. until closing – must have
proof of 21. *(3565)

Ride wanted to Florida Thursday
afternoon or evening, March 29.
Will share expenses. Cabl Betsy at

Are you over-weight? Maybe we
can help you! Research Diet Study.
Call 924-5121. *(3566)

Economos Men's Hairstyling "only
the Best." Layer cuts, limitless
shaggs, conservative cuts, functional
mobile, perfect geometric haircut.
Your choice any length or style. 8
bucks. By appointment 293-8422.
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.

Chunky suggests "On top of it all"
Dymaxion styling, wash-and-wear
haircuts, the only dimensional
geometric styling requiring no
maintenance. Blunt cuts return,
crimp, as well as hard and soft
Afro's, all through Chunky's
Dymaxion, available only through
Maneline: 296-6955. Ask the
person who owns one.
Wash-Dymaxion Styling-Dry: 8
bucks. Continue peace. *(3590)

Experimental University – David
Ward's Theater Games" course
begins Thursday, Feb. 22nd, 8:00
p.m., St. Paul's Memorial Church.
1700 University Ave. 295-1602.