University of Virginia Library


Going to Florida Nov. 21. Riders
wanted. Call Bob 977-0138.

Parking. Reserved spaces near
Rotunda, Call 924-7163.

Chunky asks that you watch for
major mane events upcoming in this
column. Major attention for major
changes. Dymaxion styling is as
major as you'd like. Your choice
regardless of length at "Only the
Best", Economos Mens' Hair Styles,
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.
Wash – Chunky's exclusive
Dymaxion–Dry: 8 bucks. Get
ready for the country.

S.P.C.A. Rummage sale, Nov.
15-16-17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Side
Anderson Strudwick Bldg. E.
Market & 2nd Street.