University of Virginia Library



U.Va. Sailing Assoc.–Final
beginner lesson Thurs. Nov. 9, 6:00
p.m., 4B Newcomb Hall.

Riding Club meeting Thursday 7:00
Rm. 4A. Newcomb Hall.

Meeting of Counselor's Committee
on Human Sexuality, 6 p.m. at
Student Health.

Gay Student Union meeting, 9 p.m.
United Ministry Center, 1908 Lewis
Mountain Road.

2nd,3d year premeds: Attend one
meeting Phg 203 re applications,
MCAT: Nov. 9 4:00, Nov. 10,
10:00 or 3:00.

The Sigma Phi Society is pleased to
announce the pledging of Stephen

Ham Radio meets 7:30 p.m. A&M
building Enge School. Wednesday
at Courthouse Albermar Club at

1st Year Council Social Committee
will meet at 9:00 p.m. Resident
Advisor's Sulte at Metcalf.
Meeting: Student Subcommittee of
the English Undergraduate
Committee 8:00 in 319 Cabell Hall,

UVa Sailing Assoc. Racing Seminar
7:15 4B Newcomb Hall. All
members UVASA invited.

Important Intramural Basketball
Referee Rules meeting 4:00 p.m.,
Room 22 in Memorial Gym.

Meeting of the Human Relations
Committee of Student Council
7:00 South Meeting Room.
Everyone welcome.

Meeting, Govt. & Foreign Affairs
majors, 3:30 p.m. 345 Cabell Hall.

Raven Society election meeting
8:00 p.m. Graduate Lounge.

International Club Social Hour. 5-7
p.m. at International Center, 21
University Circle. Everyone's


Zen Meditation (Eu Course). The
phone number we listed is wrong.
Phone 977-7886 for information.

Drop in to St. Paul's Memorial
Church at The University for their
annual Bazaar on Saturday
November 18th from 12 to 4.
Sandwich Buffet 12 to 2. Special
Man's Booth.

Hillel Foundation Saturday
morning service Nov. 11 10:30 a.m.
followed by bagels & box luncheon.
Phone 295-4963 for reservations.

Poetry Reading at the Prism. 5:00
p.m. Susan Schmidt, Anne Freeman
and Timothy Keegan.