University of Virginia Library


Baby Sitter, Female experienced,
Care for active one year old girl,
about 16hpwk daytime. Call
295-1496 after 6:00.

Need apartment mate; single room,
$60/month, Hayes Gardens, 75A.
call 977-14 after 9 p.m.

Male roommate to share mobile
hom. Spacious quiet, pastoral
surroundings. 973-4194.

Eighth person needed for large
house one block from Rotunda.
Own room. $56 plus utilities.
Woman preferred.

Education students needed to work
in exciting Child Care program
from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday
thru Friday. 977-3822.

Babysitter wanted for 2 girls. My
home Mon. through Fri.,
1:30-4:30. Own transportation
desirable, within easy walking
distance U.Va., on U.Va. bus line.