University of Virginia Library



Professor Seldon will present a
seminar on "Labor Markets and
Inflation", 104 Rouss Hall, 4:00

Hillel Foundation: Friday Evening
Deli-Dinner, 6:00 PM, 295-4963 for
reservations. Fri. evening Service at
6:45. Simchat Torah, Sunday, 7:00
PM at Beth Israel, 3rd and Jeff. St.
Student activities committee of the
University Union 6:30 PM, Union
Office 4th floor, N.H.

Birth Control information— Ounce
of prevention Book available in
Student Council office.

Italian Circle—speakers of Italian
are invited to a gathering on
Monday, 7:30 at 1916 Thomson

All interested in Academic and
Athletic Affairs Committee. Sign
up at Student Council or Call

Scuba Club—lessons begin Thurs.
and Friday, 7:30 PM. Memorial
Gym. Attend either session.


Crew: Everyone interested in Crew,
please meet at the Gym. 3:30 PM

Monticello tour for 1st year grad
students in history. 4:00 PM, meet
at Alderman Library, 3:45 for

Alternative Newspaper—UUS
Gazette, needs artists, writers, help.
Meeting, N.H. Grill, 8:00 PM.

University of Pittsburgh Graduate
Business school representatives on
Grounds Oct. 12, Interview sign-up
5 Minor Hall.

University of Chicago Business
School interviews, Sign-up
Placement Office, 5 Minor Hall.

Girls! Impt. org. meeting for
Virginia Basketball Club. 6:00 PM,
room 22 Memorial Gym. Questions
call 924-3015.

John Froines, Chicago 9 Defendant
speaks 2:00 PM, Visitor's Lounge,
Newcomb Hall.

Academic and Athletics Affairs
Committee meeting, 3:30
Newcomb Hall, 4th floor.

Graduate Council meeting 7:30 PM
conference room, 3rd floor,
Newcomb Hall.

Youth Coalition for Muskie
meeting in room 4-A Newcomb
Hall at 7:30 PM. All welcome.


Presbyterian Student Fellowship,
Sunday Oct. 10, 7:30 Westminster

Tryouts for Edward Albee's
"A Delicate Balance" will be held
this Sun-Mon at Minor Hall, 7:00

Religious Studies Department
Picnic Sunday, October 10. Faculty
students, invited. Information sign
up sheet in Cocke Hall Basement.