University of Virginia Library

Lambeth Proposals

The onus for inept planning
here perhaps falls both on
administrators and students. D.
Alan Williams, Vice President for
Student Affairs, has helped lead the
fight for apartment type
dormitories on Lambeth Field;
apartments that might house six
people in a two-bedroom
apartment. Mr. Williams has
supported the apartment
proposition despite a referendum
last year in which almost 70 per
cent of the students voting opposed
high rise dorms.

Students have also been to
blame, however. While supporting
propositions for residential colleges,
student representatives on
University committees have
sometimes failed to delineate their
ideas or even sometimes fully
comprehend the problems and
varied types of residential colleges.

Also involved in some aspects of
this confusion, according to various
sources, is Vincent Shea, Vice
President for Business and Finance.
According to various reports, Mr.
Shea has supported a residential
college set-up at Birdwood.
However, as far as the general
student community is concerned,
one still does not know if there will
be a separate faculty for the
residential colleges or, if not, how
the students will be transported to
the main grounds of the University.