University of Virginia Library



YR Board meeting 8 p.m. Informal
Lounge Newcomb sign up for
Longwood Beer Party.

Mr. Saglaw: "Cosmological
Observations and Tests of Models."
2 p.m. Gilmer 114.

"They Died With Their Boots On"
at 7 and 9 p.m., in Aero-Mech.
Bldg. aud.

IFC all House Managers meet 3:00
to discuss inspection - IFC office.

Dexter Perkins - "The Cold War:
The Marshall Plan" So. Meeting
Rm., 4 p.m.

Outing Club meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Rm. 4B N.H.

Any student interested in serving
on Gov. Holton's Youth Advisory
Council (71-72) come by Student
Council office at 5:00 p.m.


Cave Club meeting, Newcomb Hall
4B, 7:30 p.m.

"The Cold War: The Cuban
Confrontation" So. Meeting Rm. 4

MAYDAY Tactics Session - 7:30
p.m. So. Meeting Rm. Newcomb -


Precision Photographic Equipment
is NOT a toy. If you can't take care
of the OMEGA in N.H. Darkroom,
then stay away from it.

Senior Class officer candidate
petitions due Thursday 5 p.m. 50
signatures (degree candidates):
Election May 5.6

E.U. Winemaking Class (last sem.)
Wine is ready! Tasting will be Sun.
3:00 120 Chancellor St.

2nd First Annual Whoop Moffitt
Mem. Marble Tourn. May 1, 1:00
p.m. at 1705 JPA.

People needed to build inflatables
Sat. 9 a.m. sharp on the Lawn. It's

Everyone bring something to build
a Maypole and streamers. Also
rhythm instruments. Sat. The

Va. Citizens Consumer Council -
want to organize locally? Info.
Student Council Office.

Every University student has the
right and the responsibility to vote
today So do it!

Students interested in becoming
committee chairmen in Univ.
Union Call Union office by
Thursday for interview


Blue Loose-leaf NOTEBOOK
containing lecture notes, class roll,
etc. Call W. Hazleton 295-1488.


ladies R/X Sunglasses with case on
Lawn Call 295-8230.

Prescrip. SUNGLASSES in alligator
case in Rotunda - claim at Guide
Desk, Rotund Wire-frame sunglasses
found (and claim) in Newcomb Hall

Bobby Cook's wallet - claim at
C.D. office.


For Sale: Honda 50. '66 Excel.
cond. going for $75 or best offer -
Call 296-1283.

62-63Triumph TR-4 Good Cond.
$750. 293-9485 btwn. 10-12 p.m.

'70 Yamaha: 200 cc, street or trail.
excel. cond., recent tune, 295-3251

Victim of Motorcycle fever must
part w/ '67 ROVER T.C. - red Got
$1500. or bike to trade? John

DUCATI 160 cc motorcycle 5000
ml. excel. cond. 275 or best offer.
Call Victor 95-7634.

'68 Pontiac Firebird, Bucket Seats,
Stan. Trans., Very Good Cond.,
$1450, Call 295-4441.

'68 Yamaha 250 cc street - in fine
shape. $400 Come see at 602
Colonnade Dr. or call 295-3963.

'61 Mercedes - recent valve job,
excel. Interior - good body - fair
rubber. $700. Call 296-9629.

Hondas - New Hondas at up to
$350 below list. For info.

'66 YAMAHA 305 cc. Excel. cond.
8000 mi. w/insur. $450. Call
296-6869 after 7 p.m. Bob.

'65 CORVAIR 4-door outstanding
engine, rec. repainted, snow tires
incl., new Va. tags $300 or best
offer 296-4568.

VW '65 - 56,000 mi. Excel. cond.,
radio, 2 new tires. $800 or offer.
Paul 295-3283.

'70 Yamaha Enduro 175. Perfect
cond., $400 or best offer. Call Ron.

'67 YAMAHA 180 cc. Blue, excel.
cond. $350. Call Ted (296-1524).

excel. cond., 5000 mi., call Ted

'62 Chrysler New Yorker, air
power all around - 55,000 mi. Call
J. Ware 295-8348.

'63 Porche 356B Coupe. British
Racing Green. 1st class cond.
throughout. Recently rebuilt
engine, clutch. New Paint, tires,
brakes. $2200. After 6 p.m. call
946-7208 or 381-5725 (Sweet

'69 Triumph Bonn. 650 cc. low
mileage - excel cond. Call

'68 Karmann Ghia - red W/black
interior - black conv. top w/new
window - mech, in superb cond.
don't WANT to sell - great car!!
973-3761 (Jerry) after 5 p.m.

'61 MGA 1600 - Red, new interior,
excel. cond. Must sell. 293-5496
ask for PARKER.


For Sale: Silvertone 150 watt bass
amp. Six 10″ speakers. Call Steve at

Two AR-3a Speakers. 1 yr. old 4
yrs. guar. still left. Like new. Cost
$500 new. Sell for $295. 293-9619.
35mm Rangefinder Camera - $180
new: best offer. 8-track tape player
Best Offer. Call Charlie 295-8128.

Sony 366 R/R tapedeck.
Demonstration model. Will sell for
$200 or best offer. Call 296-1153.

TUXEDOS & other formal wear.
Rentals. Accessories incl. Ed
Michtom's on the Corner.

FURN. - Dining, living, bdrm. Few
paintings, lamps, desk. Call
296-6869 after 7 p.m. Bob.

GUITAR - Gretch Country
Gentleman. EC, $300 or trade &
difference on suitable guitar. Dave

Norelco Triple - Header Shaver -
Brand new, 25% off. 295-8356,

16mm. Bell & Howell movie camera
& 8 lenses. $400 or best offer.


Kentucky Derby: I need a ride to
the Roses. Call Larry 295-3874.

Wanted - ironing to do in home -
Call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price with you. 295-3546.

WANTED - Ride to Hartford,
Conn. or New England tis weekend.
Will share expenses. Don 295-2438.

We support JIM MATTHEWS for
Student Council: Ed, Herb, &
Marie, The Virginian.

Camera Center: Studio - Passports
& identifications - 913 W. Main -

Summer Job! Manufacturer's
representative to sell highly
exclusive seasonal decorations.
Lucrative commission basis.
Applicant to be from
Georgie-Florida area. Call 296-7541
or 296-3306 for appt.

Are you interested in taking French
36 (Literature) this summer? Trying
to get students to warrant class.
Call Ben Lambert 293-4107.

Returning single grad student
desires summer sublet apt. or
house, a country location desirable.
Contact: R. Fleing, Oxford
University Press, 200 Madison Ave.
N.Y.C. 10016.

Typing Wanted at home - Thesis.
Dissertations, Law Papers, etc.
Papers Proofread after typed.
Telephone: 973-6053.

Clean up the "U" - Put "Scrubby"
MATTHEWS on Student Council.
Students for Matthew Committee.

1 support Jim Matthews for
Student Council: Henry, The White