University of Virginia Library


ACTION '71 - Judge Frank
Drho, Speaker, Sunday, 5:30
P.M. Transport from Mem. Gym

- Tutoring session Sat., 10:10, usual

GFAGLD See. A will meet at 10:00
on Tuesdays, CH 139.

Any student interested in working
with a Model and Hobby Club on
Junior High School level - please
contact Madison Hall. 29-3032

At the Prism, Fri-Sat.:
Penetangush of Harrisonburg.
Va. Some good ole country fun. 75
cents, Doors open 8:00.

Experimental University surfboard
Making Course - Organize early -
Hank Marx 295-3251 or Mo Cox

French Essay contest deadline is
April 1 Interested applicants who
have not already done so should
consult Prof. Artinlan in CH 301.
MWF 11-12

Managers are needed for Va.
Varsity Baseball Team. Travel and
other benefits. Bat girls are also
needed. Jim McGraw. 296-3156.

Course forms for Experimental
University - available at N.H., 2nd
floor Return forms by Friday, Feb.
19 either to Newcomb Hall or to
120 Chancellor Street.