University of Virginia Library



Jefferson Society interviews
for Probationary membership.
Jeff. Hall- West Range 2-5.

Meeting of the Union of University
Students at 8 P.M., So. Meeting
Rm., All invited.

Meeting for students interested in
111 Gilmer.

Windless Engineering Magazine
Staff meeting at 7:30 P.M. in A and
M 126. Interested persons welcome.


CORMIER Lecture on Irish Art:
"Early Irish:: 7:30 P.M. JWH 142.

UNICORN: Staff meeting, Rm. 4B
of N.H. at 7 P.M. Please bring
material for next issue.

A-I-A-A meeting at 7 P.M. in AM
Aud. All members please attend,
guests welcome.

Organization Meeting of The
Progressive Engineering Party at
6:30 in A and M 126.

Social Committee - Class of 1971,
meets at 9 P.M. in Rm. C1 of Med.
school (go in Main entr., turn left).
All interested.


being held at the Music
Department, OCH 116, telephone
924-3052. Academic credit

for students faculty, townspeople
at the Music Department, OCH
116, telephone 924-3052.
Academic credit available.

Interested in Ecology and making $
too? Self organic laundry
dishwasher and household cleaning
products by Shaklee. Call 296-1513
after 5.

Jane Fonda at Madison, Feb. on sale, N.H. on Feb.
11, 11-4 P.M. $1.25.

3rd Yr. Pre-Meds and Pre-Dentals:
Application forms for Spring
aptitude tests now avail. Cabell Hall

Indian movie "Ram Aur Shyam"
with English subtitles, Gilmer Hall
Aud. at 7 P.M. on Feb. 14th.

Anyone interested in info. on Va.
Citizens Consumer Council-stop by
Stud. Council Offices.

Jefferson Society membership
interviews will be held Wed., Thurs.
and Friday, 2-5 P.M. Jefferson Hall,
West Range.

Volunteers needed for an ESP
experiment. Call Dr. Stanford,
Division of Parapsychology, U.Va.

The date for adding College courses
has been extended from Tuesday,
February 9, to Thursday, February
11; according to Dean I.B. Cauthen,
Jr., this extension was granted
because of the number of students
who are having difficulty registering
for classes and because the
inclement weather on Friday kept a
number of students and instructors
from being at the University.

The Richmond Branch of the
English-Speaking Union is offering
a scholarship of $1,000 to a
Virginia student for study in the
United Kingdom during the coming
summer. The University has been
asked to nominate one third-year
man for the scholarship. Materials
concerning this scholarship are
posted just outside the office of the
Dean of the College; students who
wish to be considered should
consult there materials and give
their name to the secretary to the
Dean, Cabell Hall 402, before
February 10. Interviews will be
scheduled about a week later.


Gold "pinkie" ring initialed wBb
(maybe wLb) Call Charlie at
295-8492 or come to 319 Hancock.