University of Virginia Library


Artists Series Tickets-people who
ordered Artists Series Tickets for
1970-71 season and have not
received them may pitch them up in
the Directors' Office, 4th fl.,
Newcomb Hall, 9-5PM
Monday-Friday. First concert
featuring THE FRENCH
Oct. 28

University Union Sunday film series
presents LE BONHEUR in
Newcomb Hall, Ballroom at 7:00
and 9:30 PM, $.75.

GIRLS interested in "Rolling Down
the road" on convenient weekends
contact 322 Life or 142 Maupin.

The Serpentine Wall will be
featured at a dance sponsored by
the Alderman Council, Saturday
from 9 to 1 in the Glass Hat.

Experimental University
registration is postponed until
Monday Oct. 19 from 2-6 in the
Newcomb Hall Ballroom For
further information contact Mike
Morgan 120 Chancellor St.
296-9723. Catalogues available at
Newcomb Hall Desk anytime.

Action 70 Picnic Dynamic
Christianity Transportation from
Memorial Gym Parking Lot Sunday
Oct. 18, 4:00 PM.

ODK — Luncheon — Tuesday at
1:00 PM Padors B.C. Newcomb
Hall — President Shannon will

Students on way to church come
by the Baptist Student Center 1500
Jefferson Park Ave. 9:00-10:00
Sunday Morning.

AT THE PRISM Friday and
Saturday Oct. 16 and 17 Ruth
Knapp from Boston Mass. Original
folk material Cover charge .50
Doors open 8:00 PM.

Contemporary worship: St. Marks
Lutheran Church Alderman and
Ivy, 5:00 Sunday. Bring a friend.

Italian Evening — All Speakers of
Italian in the University and the
community are invited to attend an
informal gathering for conversation
at 8:00 p.m. on Sat. Oct. 17,
Brandon Apts., Apt. 8.

Found: Ladies Westclox watch, 6
inch purse with a sum of money
(must identify) and Man's Sheffield
watch. These can be claimed in the
Director's Office.