University of Virginia Library


STUDENT Council wants to
establish an exam file. We need a
chairman. Interested? Call

GUIDES - Important meeting of all
regular and new guides in room 4-A
Newcomb Hall, Wed. at 7:30 PM

Have a speech problem?
Professional speech therapy is free
for University students. UVA
Speech and Hearing Clinic, 109
Cabell Hall 924-3113.

The Dept. of Germanic and Slavic
Languages wishes to announce that
it has eliminated the Senior
Comprehensive Exams as a
graduation requirement for its
majors. This action is effective
immediately and is retroactively in
force for all current majors.

INTERESTED in competing for
1971 Maid of Cotton contact
Student Council.

Can you provide a blind student a
ride from Staunton of Tuesdays
and Thursdays? If so, Please
contact the Directors Office,
Newcomb Hall.

following Law Schools will visit the
Grounds on the dates indicated,
Mon. Oct. 12: Duke, Temple. Fri.
Oct. 16: UNC, Tues. Oct.20: W&L;
Sign up at the Office of Placement,
5 Minor Hall.

needs volunteers! Blind students
learn by listening to recorded
textbooks. If you can spare two
hours a week please call Recording
for the Blind, 293-4797 or visit our
studio at 1936 Arlington Blvd. to see
what you can do to help.

TRYOUTS for Virginia Players
workshop productions will be held
Tues. Oct. 13, 7:30-10:30 and
Wednesday Oct. 14, 6:30-10:30 in
Minor Hall.

25,000 heroic patriots can't be
wrong! Pledges in front of
Newcomb Hall.

GOLF Varsity, meeting Wed. Oct.
14, 5:00 PM Lecture Rm., Mem.
Gym for all men interested in
trying our for squad.