University of Virginia Library



'65 Volkswagon, good condition,
radio. $850. '55 Chevrolet,
drives great. Recently rebuilt. $250.

MGB, new transmission and
clutch, New Pirellis and Continentals.
New brakes and exhaust
system, excellent compression.
AM/FM, midnight blue paint. Call

12-string guitar, good sound,
beautiful finish. In excellent condition.
$125. 296-7430.

Datsun model 510. Call after 9
p.m. 296-6387 ask for Jay Greene.

Triumph GT6, 167, British racing
green, black interior, wood
dash, 4 speed gearbox, wirewheels,
Michelin X on rear. Asking $1450.
Call 295-6644.

1965 Matchless motorcycle
650cc, newly overhauled engine,
scrambler, reasonable offer.
295-3085 after 5 p.m.

Chemistry II labs and tests
solved plus data for sale. Call

Bug that runs, $125. Call
823-4127 after 6 p.m.

1962 Corvair Monza Sprint, by
Fitch, Tapedeck, AM/FM. Decambered
rear. $550. Call Bob Anderson

Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two handcut quill pens
gift boxed, $10. Also pens available
separately in Jefferson gift boxes,
$1 a matched pair. Lewis Glaser,
Quillmaker. 109 2nd Street, S.F..,
downtown, dial 293-8531.

Fringed leather coats, ponchos,
chalecos, leather pants and moccasins.
Blue jeans, Jackets, western
boots and clothing. The Saddle
Shop, 220 West Water.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Attractive, furnished 1 bedroom
apt., walking distance of University.
$146/month. Call 296-2082.


One or two roommates urgently
and very desperately need for fully
furnished modern luxury apt. Rent
negotiable. Call 296-111. After
5:30 p.m. M-F and after 12 Sunday
contact Christ Tims at Apt. C-21.
1215 Wertland St.

Student wife to work as receptionist,
typist. 1-5 p.m. until June
1970. Central Va. Real Estate.

Unitarian Cooperative preschool
needs nursery teacher. International,
Interdenominational, In-
terrace. Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday mornings, $200/month for
experienced BA. Call Mrs. Schrank

Roommate wanted for University
Heights apartment. $51.67 per
month. Contact resident manager.

Jobs! Jobs! and more obs.
Students, teachers, St. and
international jobs. Recreational
jobs; year-round jobs, summer jobs.
All occupations and trades. Enjoy a
vacation while you earn. Hurry!
The best jobs are taken early. Write
"Jobs" P.O. Box 475, Dept.
CP-237-1, Lod, Calif. 95240.


Welcome to the world Jennifer
Joy from the uncles.

George Washington Specials at
Ed Michtom's on the Corner today
and Saturday.

THEATER WAGON's "Love is a
Daisy" :30 Saturday Feb. 21, 28
at Hotel Albemarle. Comic, witty,
lyric. Features two city girls,
lecherous painter, bawdy country
women, famous sociologist, and
others, Reservations $2.50,
296-2969. Can arrange Friday
theater parties.

Do you have your student
privilege card yet? Get yours today.
Send $3 to Box 3633 Charlottesville,

Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications,
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably priced. Negatives
kept on file for future years.
Phone Gitchell's Studio, 296-758,
107 E. Main St.

Summer in EUROPE. $199 if
you act now June 11 to Sept. 3.
NYC to London round trip. Call
295-0344 ask for John Sundin.

Quaker worship is a solemn joy,
a search and an adventure. Worship
with us Sunday at 10:30 Hope
House, Garrett St.