University of Virginia Library


In conclusion, the Honor Committee wishes to make clear that by
these clarifications it has sought to reflect the current values of the
student community, which have long been the accepted measuring rod
for the reach of the System. In making these clarifications the
Committee has relied upon the information elicited by the random poll
of this past fall, the series of public hearings on the Honor System held
this spring, written proposals submitted to the Committee as a part of
these hearings and detailed deliberations by the Committee. It is
essential to the continued vitality of the System that substantial
segments of student opinion on such matters, or on any other aspects
of the System, continue to be made known to the Committee.

Finally, the inference should not be drawn from the making of these
clarifications that the Committee has concluded that no other
worthwhile contributions to the System could be made at the present
time. Up to now the lime available to this Committee simply has not
permitted the detailed consideration necessary to evaluation of many
other aspects of the System. If deliberation of other matters proves
impossible in the time remaining this year, it will be, as a minimum, this
Committee's recommendation to the incoming Honor Committee that
they pursue the examination initiated during the past year. It is this
Committee's hope that the explanation and discussion made herein will
provide a sound foundation for such future efforts.