University of Virginia Library



ELI BANANA meeting at 10
p.m., Sigma Alpha Epsilon house.

TILKA meeting at St. Elmo at 9

FIRST year Course Selection
seminars sponsored by E-Council
and Engineering Professional Societies
today in AM-125: electrical
- 8 p.m. Nuclear E - 9 p.m. Chem.
E - 10 p.m.

DRAFT Counseling 3rd floor,
Newcomb Hall conference room,
12-2 p.m. Call 296-7208.

NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy
present Dr. E. Jenkins from Princeton
U. Observatory speaking on "A
Contrast: Lyman and 21 cm.
Measurements of Interstellar
Hydrogen" at 4 p.m., NRAO
Ch'ville Aud., Edgemont Rd.

JAMES Willard Hurst will give
the third of his three Page-Barbour
lectures in East Hall of the Law
School at 8 p.m. His general topic
for this evening's lecture is "Corporations
and the Public Interest.

coffee hour at Graduate Lounge, 5
p.m. Public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria. All bridge players

NEW OFFICERS and executive
board of Society of Cornish Game
Hen meeting at 8 p.m., room 4A
Newcomb Hall. All new members
come by and pay dues which are
required for membership.

CAVE Club meeting at 7:30
p.m., room 4C, Newcomb Hall.

MEETING of Student Athletic
Council in University Hall, 10 p.m.

ARNOLD AIR Society important
meeting at 7:30 in room B29
Rouss Hall.

UNIVERSITY Family Housing
Council meeting at 7:30, basement
of Page House.

AIAA meeting at 7:30 in A&M
Auditorium. Mr. W. Henderson of
NASA at Langley will speak on
"General Aircraft Design." Public
invited. Refreshments.

GOLF meeting: squad members
only, 5 p.m., lecture room, Memorial

"JUDGMENT at Nuremberg" at
6:30 and 9:30 in Newcomb Hall
ballroom. Fifty cents. Starring
Spencer Tracy, Maximilian Schell,
and Marlene Dietrich.


TRIGON Engineering Society
invites all engineering students and
faculty to a rush party at Kappa
Sigma, 165 Rugby Road at 8 p.m.
Refreshments served. Dates welcome.

GRADUATE Economics Club
presents Prof. Thomas Moore of
Michigan State who is currently a
Senior Staff Economist on the
Council of Economic Advisors,
speaking on "An Economic Analysis
of the Concept of Freedom."
Rouss 104 at 4 p.m.

THETA TAU rush party at Chi
Phi house, 161 Rugby Rd., from
8-12. All engineering students and
faculty invited.

Errors presented by Va. Players
from Monday, April 14 to Saturday,
April 19 at Minor Hall. Curtain
time is 8:30 every night. Tickets
may be reserved by calling

NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy
present Dr. David D Young from
U. of California speaking on "Plasma
Instabilities ad the Axial
Structure of Extragalactic Jets" at
4 p.m., NRAO Ch'ville Aud.,
Edgemont Rd.

TRYOUTS for the Va. Players
final production, "Among the
Brutes and the Tulips" by D.
Young, will be held tonight. All are
invited to attend. Minor Hall,

JEFFERSON Society will host
the James Madison Humorous Debate
Society of Princeton Friday at
8:30 p.m. in Jefferson Hall for a
debate entitled "The taste that
beats the others cold."


JEFFERSON Society members
who will not attend meeting this
Friday and who wish guest invitations
for Cocktail party April 18
should contact R. Jones, 296-9530
by Monday night.

BETA PSI Chapter of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity is pleased to
announce the pledging of second-year
man Bill Nelson of Ferguson,
Mo., and first-year man Steve Smith
of Chincoteague, Va., and Howard
Weinberg of Baltimore, Md.

CORRECTION in Fall 1969
Music courses: Music 53, Ensemble
Glee Club, 2.0, 1900-2100, M T.
Music 53 Ensemble Orchestra, 1.0,
1900-2200, W.

WUVA - 640 will present
public service broadcasts from 10
to midnight from Saturday through
Thursday, to raise money for the
Transition fund. Student donations
will be frequently announced during
these special programs.

4th year and 2nd year students now
taking place. Pick up necessary
materials in Lobby Old Cabell
Thursday and Friday, 2-4:30.

"A MAN and a Woman" Sunday
movie in Newcomb Hall ballroom
at 7 and 9. Fifty cents. Bring your
loved one.

HIGH SCHOOL Recruiter evaluation
meeting Monday at 7:30
p.m., room 4A, Newcomb Hall.
Please bring names of all recruitable
students. If cannot attend please
send a substitute.

CUBA TODAY: 10 years of
revolution! A talk by Mareen
Jasinski, just returned from 5 weeks
in Cuba. South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall at 7 p.m. Monday.

FIRST year course selection
seminars sponsored by E-Council
and Engineering Professional Societies
Monday in A&M Aud: Aerospace
E - 7 p.m. Mechanical E - 8
p.m. Civil E - 10 p.m.

"PERUVIAN Folklore" will the
the subject of discussion at meeting
of Va. Folklore Guild Sunday at 3
p.m. at Prism on Rugby Rd. All
interested welcome.

UNIVERSITY Union 2nd year
committeemen interested in making
application to the Program Board
should obtain forms from Union
office by 5 p.m. Monday.

ALL ENTRIES in the University
Union's Fine Arts contest have
been returned to the Union office.
You my pick them up on any week
day from 9-5. Friday April 18 will
be the last day for returning these

924-3051. Students only $1_on
Monday and Tuesday nights.

DURING the week of April
14-18 all rising third year student
should confer with their Association
Deans about declaring a major
or informing them of their plans to
transfer. These students should first
report to the lobby of Old Cabell
between 2-5, April 10-17, and
receive instructions about the procedure.
The distribution of materials
will not take place on Founder's
Day, April 14. Association Deans
and Dept. advisers will be available
according to schedules posted on
their office doors. Rising third year
students who do not declare majors
are ineligible to return to the