The Cavalier daily. Friday, January 10, 1969 | ||
TODAY is the last day to submit
entries in the University
Union's Fine Arts Contest. Categories
are short story, poetry, satirical
essay, photography, art and
1-act play. $50, $25, and $10 prizes
are offered in each category, Bring
entries to University Union Office,
4th floor, Newcomb Hall until 5
THE UNIVERSITY Singers present
a Concert, Music of
Shakespeare's England, at 8:30
p.m., Cabell Hall.
THE ALLIANCE Francaise of
Ch'ville will present M. Guy de
Lusignan, a specialist in African
affairs with the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development,
speaking on "Le General de
Gaulle et l'Afrique" at 8 p.m.,
Informal Lounge, Newcomb Hall.
BIOLOGY seminar at 4 p.m.,
room 150. Speaker will be James
Townsel speaking on "The Nature
of Cardio Inhibition in Limulds."
evening supper at 6:15 p.m.,
Friday evening service at 6:45 p.m.
Brunch Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Dr.
Calvin Kunin will speak on "Drugs
and Human Experimentation."
Phone 295-4963 for dinner and
brunch reservations.
IFC meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the
South Meeting Room, Newcomb
Hall. Governing Board meeting preceding
at 6:45.
ATTENTION University
Guides: The meeting Tuesday has
been rescheduled for 7 p.m. No
elections held. Important business.
of the University Student
in Community Recreation. Mary
Munford Lounge at 2 p.m., next
ALL THOSE planning to enroll
in the new course Music in World
Cultures (Music 69) next semester
notify Dr. Dale Craig of Music
Dept. so that the size of the class
can be estimated. Either call ext.
3052 or come to room A. Old
Cabell Hall. The course is an introduction
to the art musics of India,
China, Indonesia and will meet
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11-12:15
NROTC is now taking applications
for the two year contract
program. Inquire at Administrative
Office, room 105, Maury Hall.
Deadline for applications is March
STUDENTS interested in
English 58 (Poetry Writing) for
next semester should submit manuscripts
(2 or 3 poems) by Monday.
Submissions should go to Mr. Morgan's
box in 528 Cabell Hall.
Probationaries for the Jefferson
Society have been selected, and are
to attend a meeting of the society
tonight at 7:29 in Jefferson Hall.
The probationaries are:
John T. Ball, David M. Barton,
Richard C. Birkel, Phillip P. Brannon,
Thomas G. Brown, D. Brian
Costello, James W. Deen.
Rawle Deland, Christopher
Dickey, Robert H. Downer, Jr.,
Brian R. Duffy, Cyril T. Faulders,
III, Stuart J. Fischer.
Scott M. Gleason, Barry I.
Gross, Dan Hanson, James B.
Hawes, Jr., William F. Heyer, Jr.,
Richard E. Hickman, Jr.
Ernest A. Hoenigmann, Joel B.
Kleinman, John R. Lacey, Peter W.
Lert, David J. Llewellyn, Alan
Lowe, Paul S. Marshall, Robert
Kevin E. McGnn, John A.
McVickar, Michael L. Messer, J.
Sanford Miller, Stephen C. Mischen.
R. George Mont, Jerry H. Morewitz.
Ralph K. Noyes, Barry E. Phillips,
Richard E. Railey, Jr., Clayton
F. Savage, David S. Smith, Stephen
W. Smith, Andrew M. Sussman.
Scott H. Thompson, George J.
Wacker, Thomas S. Weekley,
Howard M. Weinburg, Blake L.
Weston, Robert A. Wolff.
The Cavalier daily. Friday, January 10, 1969 | ||