![]() | The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, December 4, 1968 | ![]() |
1961 red Porsche, excellent condition.
50,000 miles, $1100, call
1967 Alfa Romeo Duetto Spider,
ivory with black top, new
Pirrelli tires, 293-6592.
Guitar, brand new Ventura rosewood
and spruce classical. Make
offer, Chip Palmer, 132 Maupin
Used FM Stereo Components: 1
Marantz stereo adapter, 2 Marantz
preamplifiers, 1 Marantz 40 watt
amplifier, 1 McIntosh 60 watt amplifier,
1 Fisher AM FM tuner, 1
Elco 60 watt amplifier, 1 University
Diffaxial 15″ 50 watt 3 way
speaker in baffle, Call 296-5691
Monday-Friday 9-3 p.m.
1965 VW Squareback with radio,
$1100, 293-3386.
Fireplace wood. Kindling,
Cherry Avenue Gulf call 293-5905
for delivery.
Firewood for sale 293-1096.
Motorcycle leathers, medium
size; helmet; Sony Micro TV. Best
offer, call Charles 296-8655.
68 Honda Sports Cycle and Bell
helmet $200 call 293-7186.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
Farm cottage, 3, miles SW of
Gordonsville, $50 per month or
rent free for caretaker services.
Female roommate wanted for
one bedroom of beautiful two-bedroom
University Heights apartments.
Call 296-0423.
Babysitter - one day a week
(prefer Tuesday), 9:30 to 4 p.m.
Own transportation. References.
2 need ride to Smith or Vassar
or anywhere north. Leave Thursday
night Dec. 5 or Friday, Dec. 6.
Desperate. Share expenses.
295-9055 Tom Goss.
pianist (organist) with ability, time,
equipment, voice, and interest in
hard rock. 293-9848, 163 Chancellor
St., No. 1.
Experienced basketball officials,
Dept. of Recreation 296-8186.
Must vacate room on 2 East
Range in December. Need acceptable
replacement. Call
293-3869 eves.
Need roommate to share 4 man
apartment on Brandon Avenue,
available January 1. 296-1468. TV
and stereo.
Lost: Gold signet ring in
Madison Lane area, RRK on face
inscription inside. If found call
Purse: long dark blue purse with
2 straps. Name in wallet: Anne
Gordon. In Rugby Road area,
Openings week-end. If found please
contact Larry Garland 316 Bonnycastle
Notebook lost - contains
French, English, Drama and Accounting
notes, sentimental value.
Call Rick Ackerman 293-4988.
College Men: If you are
interested in a well paying job and
all expenses paid travel for 10
weeks this summer, write us. We
need mature, conscientious men to
serve as marketing Representatives
in working with our distributor's
salesmen. Write Arnold Goldin, 600
Brandon Avenue, Apt. No. 30,
Ch'ville 22903.
$0 REWARD for information
leading to the recovery of my grey
1967 Honda 160 Scrambler, stolen
from area of Scott Stadium sometime
between November 16 and 27.
Call LaFleur, 296-9816.
New Art Gallery at First and
High St., downtown. Unique and
beautiful Xmas gifts. Afternoons.
NEW Gaslight presentation
Bonnewell Quartet; live musical
group - show tunes, dixieland et al.
GASLIGHT Restaurant this Thursday.
No charge for diners
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, December 4, 1968 | ![]() |