University of Virginia Library


Nuclear Eng. pre-enrollment of
Bachelor of Nuclear Eng. degree
1-3 each afternoon, Monday thru
Friday, Thornton Hall, Room A-125.

Hughes-Friedberg Memorial
Award, a cash award will be presented
to that member of the
Lawn Chowder and Marching Society
who has most successfully
finessed either his comps paper,
honors thesis or comparable major
paper or project. Nominations
should be sent to 17 West Lawn.

All fraternities are reminded to
turn in combo evaluation forms
to IFC office as soon as possible.
This is very important as we are
planning on sending this information
to all fraternities.

Rising first-year students desiring
admission to the Advanced
section of History 1-2 or History
7-8 should make appointments in
the History Dept. Office to see
Prof. Craig (for History 1A-2A)
or Prof. Kett (History 7A-8A)
this week.

men in the College
should have completed their preregistration
by this time. Unless
their schedule cards are submitted
promptly to the office of
the Dean, they may not be preregistered
for 1963-69. All rising
THIRD-YEAR students should
complete their declarations of
majors and their pre-registration
by May 3. The deadline for all
pre-registration is May 10; rising
third-year students who have not
declared their majors by then are
ineligible to return to the College
next year. All students who are
planning to attend another School
of the U. or another institution
are required to notify the Dean
of their intentions.