University of Virginia Library


Roommate to share apt. with
two other students on prestigious,
convenient Valley Road. 2936897.

Apt.-mate. Inexpensive yet luxurious
apt., close to University
—305 15th St. Call 6-3631.

Models, male or female, for art
class, Tuesday and Thursday
mornings, 9:00-12:00. Call 295-2166,
Ext. 3057.

Counselors for summer camp in
Maine. Canoe and mountain trips,
sailing, nature, riflery, archery,
swimming, tennis and crafts. 8
week session. Camp on Island.
Call 293-0696 or write Jim Breeden.
Rt. 5, Box 280A, Charlottesville.

Attractive young lady to prepare
dinners for four U. gentlemen
in exchange for free meals.
Well-equipped kitchen, 1800 Jefferson
Park. Apt. 26. Phone 2933917.

Pianist for small church, good
pay. Call Robert Trainum, 2935905.

Harpsichord builder would like
part-time help. Two different jobs
available. Call 293-9011 daytime.
973-6222 evenings.