University of Virginia Library


High Point Pool entries deadline
Feb. 16. Only 10 entries per house.

Swimming entries are in boxes.
They must be turned in by Feb.

Applications for dormitory
counselorships are now available
at the Housing Office in Emmet
House during office hours until
Feb. 15. Each interested student
must pick up his own application.
The deadline for ling an application
is 5:00 P.M., Feb. 22. All applicants
are required to take a
critical thinking and knowledge
of the University test, which will
be given on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at
7:00 P.M. in Gilmer Hall Auditorium
and Wednesday, Feb. 21 at
7:00 P.M. in Room 203 Physics

The Computer-Science Center
will offer an introductory course
in computer programming for the
B5500 beginning Feb. 19. The
course, which assumes no prior
knowledge of computers, will be
held in the Aero-Mechanical Auditorium
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 on
Feb. 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, and 29. There
is no charge for the course and
registration is by attendance at
the first meeting. At that time
text books for the course will be
available for $5.25.

The IFC is accepting applications
for doormen for party weekends
in the spring of 1968. Ma
graduate students, faculty, and
staff are requested to apply at
IFC office before Feb. 21. IFC office
is open Mon-Wed., Friday
afternoons from 2-5. Previously
approved applicants need not apply.