University of Virginia Library


Wanted: alert couple to serve
as advisors for coffee house for
teenagers. Hours 7-12 Friday
nights, 2-5 and 7-12 Saturday
nights, Department of Recreation. 296-8168.

The Red Lion still needs three
permanent employees from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Call Mr. Page, 2964089,
for interview.

Wanted: Students to work evenings
at Charlottesville Dinner
Theatre full or part time must be
21. Call 296-9146 before 5.

FIRST-YEAR MEN — Interviews
for positions on The Cavalier
Daily Business Staff. Call
295-5036 for an appointment. Ask
for Mr. Molnar. Call after 4 p.m.

ROOMMATE wanted to room
with grad, English student, 2 bedroom
cottage, furnished. $57.60/
month No lease. 296-2406.

WANTED — experienced elementary
teacher for half-day
teaching position. New and challenging
opportunity with a good
salary. For additional information
see H. Harner, Rm. 27, basement
of Peabody Hall, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday from 9 a.m.12
noon, 2-5 p.m.

Graduate Student to room with
history graduate student. 1800
Jefferson Park Ave., Apt. 409.

Student to share furnished
apartment with three 3rd year
men, 13-B Wertland Garden
Apartments. Phone 296-7938.