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Investment Policies
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Investment Policies

  • 1. No maturity restrictions.
  • 2. The funds may be invested in the following instruments:
  • a. Savings accounts approved for Commonwealth of Virginia deposits.
  • b. Repurchase agreements, collateralized by government securities, for any bank approved for Certificates of Deposit.
  • c. Certificates of Deposit and Banker's Acceptances issued by any of the following Virginia banks:
    • Sovran Bank, N.A.
    • Jefferson National Bank
    • Crestar Bank
    • Central Fidelity Bank
    • Signet Bank
    • Dominion Bank, N.A.


    or any banks rated A, A/B, or B by Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Bank Watch Bank/Thrift Ratings. No more than 10% of the funds held in cash equivalents shall be invested in CD's issued by any single bank. No more than 10% of the funds held in cash equivalents shall be invested in the Banker's Acceptances of any single bank.
  • d. Commercial paper issued by domestic corporations having a credit rating in either of the two highest grades (A1-P1, A2-P2), by Moody's and S&P. No more than 10% of the funds held in cash equivalents shall be invested in the commercial paper of any single issuer.
  • e. U.S. Treasury Notes and Bonds
  • f. Obligations of any agency or instrumentality of the United States to include:
    • 1. Federal Home Loan Bank
    • 2. Federal Farm Credit Bank
    • 3. Federal National Mortgage Corporation
    • 4. Government National Mortgage Association
    • 5. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association
    • 6. Student Loan Marketing Association
    Each agency will be limited to 10% of the portfolio.

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  • g. Corporate notes and bonds rated A or better by S&P or Moody's
  • h. Short-term money market funds limited to:
  • Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company - Reserve Deposit Account
  • Common Fund for Short Term Investments
  • Dreyfus Liquid Assets
  • Dreyfus Institutional Money Market Fund, Inc.
  • Scudder Managed Reserves
  • Cash Reserve Management (E.F. Hutton)
  • Institutional Liquid Assets (Goldman Sachs)
  • Trust for Short Term U.S. Government Securities (Federated)
  • Fiduciary Trust Company Money Market Fund
  • i. Common Fund for Bond Investments
  • j. Common Fund Intermediate Cash Fund
  • k. Certificates of deposit, fully collateralized by government securities, with Savings and Loan institutions in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • l. Subject to the approval of the Vice President for Business and Finance, internal loans to University Departments and Activities to be repaid from operating and capital funds budgeted for this purpose. No more than a total of $10 million shall be invested in internal loans at any one time.