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The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Miss Sarah J. Bleick as Instructor in Dramatic Arts and Speech, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $5,700.

Miss Mary B. Lawlor as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $6,300.

Mrs. Lydia S. Mann as Assistant Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French), for one
year, effective 1 September 1965, at a base salary of $4,500, exact compensation to be determined
by number of classes taught.

Miss Elizabeth M. Nichols as Instructor in Mathematics, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $6,300.

Miss Jo-Ellen Schwartz as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $ 5,700.

Mr. Thomas E. Vachon as Instructor in Dramatic Arts and Speech, for one year, effective 1 September
1965, at a session salary of $6,000.

Mr. Benjamin F. Zimdars as Assistant Professor of History, for three years, effective 1 September
1965, at a session salary of $7,500.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Mr. Zoltan A. Antony as Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages (German), for three
years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mr. Samuel O. Bird as Assistant Professor of Geography and Geology, for three years, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mrs. Juliette B. Blessing as Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages (French), for
three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mr. Richard A. Brashares as Assistant Professor of History, for one year, effective 1 September
1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mr. Andrew Buni as Assistant Professor of History, for three years, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $7,800.

Mr. Robert J. Dilligan as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $6,000.

Miss Mildred A. Droste as Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation,
for three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mr. John Druzbick as Instructor in Physics, part time, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $3,600.

Mrs. Margaret S. Early as Instructor in English, part time, for one year, effective 1 September
1965, at a base salary of $6,600, the exact compensation to be determined by the number of classes

Mrs. Jeanne C. Goddin as Instructor in Music (Harp), for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary to be paid on a per student fee basis.

Miss Miriam J. Greenberg as Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation,
for three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Miss Emily M. Haymes as Instructor in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, for one year,
effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,300.

Miss Anne F. Henderson as Instructor in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, for one
year, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,600.

Mr. Mathew Herban, III as Instructor in Art, for one year, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $6,300.


Miss Rosemary Herman as Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish), for three
years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Miss Anne P. Hilgartner as Instructor in Psychology, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $6,000.

Mrs. Myra L. Irby as Assistant Professor of History, for three years, effective 1 September
1965, at a session salary of $7,500.

Miss Mary H. Jones as Assistant Professor of Home Economics, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Mrs. Lois A. Jordan as Instructor in Art (Ceramics), part time, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $3,300.

Mr. Blaine G. Larson-Crowther as Instructor in Art, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $6,300.

Mr. John C. Manolis as Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French), for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,600.

Mrs. Cornelia D. Oliver as Assistant Professor of Art, for three years, effective 1 September
1965, at a session salary of $7,500.

Miss Cecille J. Pelovitz as Instructor in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, for one
year, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,000.

Miss Suzanne Pharr as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $6,300.

Mr. Samuel H. Phillips, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Economics, for three years, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,800.

Miss Cornelia D. Sarvay as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1965,
at a session salary of $6,300.

Mr. Dudley A. Sherwood as Assistant Professor of Classics, for three years, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,900.

Miss Katharine F. Wells as Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation,
part time, for one year, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $4,700.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:

Mr. John Bruckner, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages (German),
for three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,600.

Mr. Samuel T. Emory, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Geography and Geology,
effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Mr. Donald E. Glover, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of English, for three years, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $7,200.

Miss Mary Roland Griffin, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation, for three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,900.

Mrs. Margaret M. Hofmann, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages
(French), for three years, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $6,900.

Mr. Donald E. Jackson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Miss Rose Mary Johnson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Biology, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Mr. Thomas L. Johnson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Biology, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Mr. Roger L. Kenvin, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Mr. William C. Pinschmidt, Jr., Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Biology,
effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Miss Carmen L. Rivera, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Modern Foreign Languages
(Spanish), effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.

Mr. Lawrence A. Wishner, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,200.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia


that the following leave of absence be and it is hereby granted:

Miss Mary E. Montgomery, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year, effective 1 September
1965, without pay, to pursue advanced study in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin.


The Chancellor reminded the Board of the leave of absence granted to Mr. Stanley F. Bulley at
the December 1964 meeting to accept a grant for research in Indian Music from the American Institute
of Indian Studies. The Chancellor reported that since the grant to Mr. Bulley was not forthcoming,
it will be necessary to rescind the resolution granting the leave of absence. Accordingly, the
following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the leave of absence for Mr. Stanley F. Bulley, Associate Professor of Music, for one year,
effective 1 September 1965, with one-half pay, previously authorized by the Board on 12 December
1964, be and it is hereby cancelled.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following change of title be and it is hereby made:

Mr. Lewis P. Pickett, Jr., from Acting Associate Professor of Political Science, to Associate
Professor of Political Science, effective 1 September 1965.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person shall receive the salary indicated:

Mrs. Mildred M. Bolling, Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, at a session salary of $10,900,
effective 1 September 1965.


The following resignation was announced:

Mr. L. Marx Renzulli, Jr., Assistant Professor of History, effective 30 June 1965, to accept
a position at Smith College.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the assignment of Mrs. Josefa R. McIntosh, Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages,
full time, with special responsibilities for the French House, be and it is hereby changed,
effective 1 September 1965, to special responsibilities for the Spanish House.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 9 April 1965, the rank of Assistant Instructor be added to the Mary Washington
College faculty schedule with the following scale: $4,500, $4,800, $5,100, and $5,400 (interval -
one year).


The Chancellor reported that recent information from the Trust Administrator of the Estate
of the late Mr. O. Pendleton Wright indicates that the amount of his gift to the College, as now
estimated, will be in excess of $5,000, rather than approximately $2,500 as at first thought and
as reported to the Board at its February 1964 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 12, 8 February 1964, p. 443) meeting.


The Chancellor reported on the visit of the State Council of Higher Education on 24 March