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A First-class Illustrated Family Newspaper.
Harper's Weekly has now been in existence two years. During
that period no effort has been spared to make it the best possible
Family Paper for the American People, and it is the belief of
the Proprietors that, in the peculiar field which it occupies, no existing
Periodical can compare with it.
Every Number of Harper's Weekly contains all the News of
the week, Domestic and Foreign. The completeness of this department
is, it is believed, unrivaled in any other weekly publication.
Every noteworthy event is profusely and accurately illustrated
at the time of its occurrence. And while no expense is spared to
procure Original Illustrations, care is taken to lay before the reader
every foreign picture which appears to possess general interest. In
a word, the Subscriber to Harper's Weekly may rely upon obtaining
a Pictorial History of the times in which we live, compiled
and illustrated in the most perfect and complete manner possible.
It is believed that the Illustrated Biographies alone—of which about
one hundred and fifty have already been published—are worth far
more to the reader than the whole cost of his subscription.
The literary matter of Harper's Weekly is supplied by some
of the ablest writers in the English language. Every Number contains
an installment of a serial story by a first-class author—Bulwer's
“What will he do with It?” has appeared entire in its columns;
one or more short Stories, the best that can be purchased at home
or abroad; the best Poetry of the day; instructive Essays on topics
of general interest; Comments on the Events of the time, in the
shape of Editorials and the Lounger's philosophic and amusing
Gossip; searching but generous Literary Criticisms; a Chess Chronicle;
and full and careful reports of the Money, Merchandise, and
Produce Markets.
In fixing at so low a price as Five Cents the price of their paper,
the Publishers were aware that nothing but an enormous sale could
remunerate them. They are happy to say that the receipts have
already realized their anticipations, and justify still further efforts
to make Harper's Weekly an indispensable guest in every home
throughout the country.
TERMS.—One Copy for Twenty Weeks, $1 00; One Copy for One Year, $2 50;
One Copy for Two Years, $4 00; Five Copies for One Year, $9 00; Twelve Copies
for One Year, $20 00; Twenty-five Copies for One Year, $40 00. An Extra
Copy will be allowed for every Club of Twelve or Twenty-five Subscribers.

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