University of Virginia Library



In a discussion regarding the proper title for the administrative head of Mary Washington
College, the Rector quoted the opinion of Mr. C. O'Conor Goolrick that the administrative head of
the College in residence at Fredericksburg ought not to have the title of President. There was a
general concurrence in this opinion, and the Rector said that in view of this fact he felt that Mr.
McWane's special Committee ought to warn prospective candidates for the post that the Board will
probably propose a change of title to the Legislature. After further discussion, the following
resolution, on motion of Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Berkeley, was adopted:

WHEREAS, Title 23, Section 88, of the Code of Virginia now provides that the chief local
administrative officer of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia shall have the
title of President of the College, and

WHEREAS, the President of the University of Virginia, under the terms of said statute, is the
principal administrative officer of the University of Virginia, and for all of its branches, including
Mary Washington College,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in order to properly indicate the rank of the chief local
administrative officer of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, and the relationship
of that office to the office of President of the University of Virginia, that the chief local
administrative officer of the College be called "Chancellor" of Mary Washington College of the
University of Virginia

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That since the President of the University of Virginia is designated
in said statute as "Chancellor" of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, and
since it appears that the title of "Chancellor" in so far as the President of the University of
Virginia is concerned, is superfluous and unnecessary, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the designation "Chancellor" in so far as the President of the University
of Virginia is concerned, be eliminated from the statute, and that the Rector be directed to appoint
a committee of the Board to petition the Legislature of Virginia, at its next session, to change and
amend said statute in the respects above mentioned, so that the section will read as follows:

"The president of the University shall be the principal administrative officer of Mary
Washington College of the University of Virginia. The rector and visitors of the University are
charged with the care and preservation of all property belonging to the College. With respect
to the College, the rector and visitors shall have the same power as to granting degrees and
with respect to the appointment and removal of administrative officers, professors, agents and
servants, and the making of regulations, that are now vested in them with respect to the
University. The title of the chief local administrative officer of the College shall be that
of chancellor."