University of Virginia Library


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Gardening for Ladies; and Companion to the Flower-Garden.
Being an Alphabetical arrangement of all the ornamental
Plants usually grown in gardens and shrubberies; with
full directions for their culture. By Mrs. Loudon. First
American, from the second London edition. Revised and
edited by A. J. Downing. 1 thick vol. 12mo., with engravings
representing the processes of grafting, budding,
layering, &c., &c. $1 50.

“A truly charming work, written with simplicity and clearness. It is decidedly
the best work on the subject, and we strongly recommend it to all our
fair countrywomen, as a work they ought not to be without.”

N. Y. Courier.

“Mr. Downing is entitled to the thanks of the fair florists of our country for
introducing to their acquaintance this comprehensive and excellent manual,
which must become very popular. Besides an instructive treatment on the best
modes of culture, transplanting, bedding, training, destroying insects, &c., and
the management of plants in pots and green-houses, illustrated with numerous
plates; the work comprises a Dictionary of the English and Botanic names of
the most popular flowers, with directions for their culture. Altogether we
should judge it to be the most valuable work in the department to which it

Newark Advertiser.

“This is a full and complete manual of instruction upon the subject of which
it treats. Being intended for those who have little or no previous knowledge of
gardening, it presents, in a very precise and detailed manner, all that is necessary
to be known upon it, and cannot fail to awaken a more general taste for
these healthful and pleasant pursuits among the ladies of our country.”

N. Y. Tribune.

“This truly delightful work cannot be too highly commended to our fair countrywomen.”

N. Y. Journal of Commerce.

“We cordially welcome, and heartily commend to all our fair friends, whether
living in town or country, this very excellent work.”

N. Y. Tribune.