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1 occurrence of bronaugh
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A.First Year. This class meets three times a week (three hours), and
studies the Theory of Arithmetical Notations and Operations; Algebra through
the Binomical Theorem, Indeterminate Coefficients and Theory of Logarithms;
Geometry, Plane and Solid; Geometrical Analysis, with numerous exercises for
original solution; Elementary Plane Trigonometry, embracing the solution of
Triangles, with the use of Logarithms, and some applications to problems of
"Heights and Distances." The preparation desirable for this class is a good
knowledge of Arithmetic, of Algebraic Operations through Equations of the
Second Degree, and of the first three books of Plane Geometry.

Text-Books.—Todhunter's Algebra; Venable's Legendre's Geometry, with collection
of exercises; Todhunter's Trigonometry for Beginners.


Page 18

B.Second Year. This class meets three times a week (three hours), and
studies Geometrical Analysis, with exercises for original solution; Plane Trigonometry,
with applications; Conic Sections treated Geometrically; Analytical
Geometry of two dimensions; Spherical Trigonometry, with applications; Advanced
Algebra, including elements of the Theory of Equations. The preparation
necessary for this class is a thorough knowledge of Algebra through the
Binomial Theorem and Logarithms; of Synthetic Geometry, Plane and Solid,
with a good training in the original solution of Geometrical problems; and a
knowledge of the elements of Plane Trigonometry, including the use of
Logarithmic tables.

Text-Books.—Snowball's Trigonometry; Puckle's Conic Sections; Collection of Exercises
in Plane Geometry; Wells's Spherical Trigonometry; Notes on Geometrical Conics.

Candidates for the B. A. degree who elect Mathematics must complete the
work of this course.