University of Virginia Library

So she tuk a notion of a surt of suppoortin'
Nessy, like a shuperintendin' the coortin',
Lek backin', lek watchin', lek a kind of encouragin';
And waitin' till dark, and goin' a furragin'
About the house; and creep and creep—
And aisy to tell if Brew was asleep
With the snorin', bless ye! And—“Come in! come in!”
And whisperin' and whisperin';
And a bit of supper: and then Nessy'd say
“Time for bed”—and—“Let me stay!
Aw, let me! let me!” And only right—
And her aunt and all—and “Good-night! good-night!”
At Nessy. Aw, then she'd dart in her ear
Most despard cusses—navar fear!
And tellin' the charms she had on Jack—
She could turn ev'ry bit of his body black—
She could make him hate her—poor Nessy Brew!
Nothin' she couldn' and wouldn' do!

Said by.