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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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Precepts of wedlocke.

The husbands requests.

My wife, if thou regard mine ease:
Praye to the Lord: hym praise & please.
Displease not mee (for any thyng)
Care how thy children vp to bring:
Let still thyne house be neat and fine:
Alwaies prouide for children thine:
Be merry, but with modestie,
Lest some men blame thine honestie:
Let manners thine be pleasant still:
With Iackes yet doe not play the gyll.
Go in thy garments soberly,
Let no spot be thereon to spie.
Be merry when that I am merry:


When I lowre, sing not thou Hey derry.
The man that lyked is of mee,
Let hym likewise be likt of thee.
That which I say in company,
See thou refell not openly.
If ought I speake that likes not thee,
Thereof in secret monish mee.
What so in secret I thee tell
Reueale not, but conceale it well.
Thinke not straunge Wiues doe make mee warme
When I thee hurt, shew mee thy harme.
Confesse when so thou dost offend:
Chide not to bedward when we wend.
Sleep slightly: rise betyme, and praye:
When thou art drest, to woork away.
Beleue not all thing that is saide:
Speake little (as beseemes a mayde)
In presence mine dispute thou not:
Reply not: chat must be forgot.
The honest do associate still:
Loth liuyng with the lewd and ill.
Let lewdnes none thy life affoord:
Be alwaies true of tongue and woord:
Let shamefastnes thy mistres bee:
Do these, and wife come cull with mee.

The wiues aunswere.

Husband , if thou wilt pure appeare,
(Euen as thy self) then holde mee dear.


So shalt thou please Iehoue deuine,
So shalt thou make mee norrishe mine.
See that our house wherein we dwell
Be hansome, holsome, walled well.
And let vs haue what vse requires:
Make seruantes sweat at woorke, not fires.
See that thy speech be mild and meeke.
Of froward frumps be still to seeke.
If thou wilt haue mee do for thee,
Then see thou likewise do for mee.
If thou on thy frends do bestowe,
Be liberall to my frends also.
For seruants thine keepe tauntyngs tart,
Admonishe gently mee aparte.
And when in sport some tyme I spend,
Do thou not sharply reprehend.
And when I ioy with thee to iest,
In angrie moode, do not molest.
Tis not enuffe, that I loue thee:
But sometime thou must make of mee.
If I shall not of thee be ielowes,
See thou cleaue not to many fellowes.
Though thou hast toyled out the daye
At night be merry yet alwaye.
Use neuer muche abroad to rome:
But still keepe close with mee at home.
Thou saidst muche, when thou wast an woer,
Now (we are coupled) be a doer.


Penelope if I shalbe,
Then be Vlisses vnto me.