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Page 198

Sec. 378. Food exposed for sale—protection of.

a. No person shall expose for sale, on any public highway or
in any open market, stand, or store in the city, candy, cake or
bread, dates or figs, or any other food of a kind not ordinarily
cooked, peeled or washed before being eaten, unless such candy,
cake, dates, figs or other articles of food is effectually wrapped,
or covered and enclosed, so as to protect it from dust and insects.

b. No such articles shall be wrapped or covered with newspapers
or with any other paper previously used for any other

c. No person shall expose any article of food for sale, on any
public highway in the city, within twenty-four inches from the
surface of the ground, unless such article of food is covered or
enclosed to prevent access of dogs or is constantly in the immediate
presence of the owner of such article of food or of the
proper representative of such owner having custody thereof.

d. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section
shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1, nor more than $10
for each offense.