University of Virginia Library


Marcellus M. Ramsey, a leading shoe merchant of
Roanoke, Virginia, was born in Nelson County, Virginia,
June 14th, 1867, being a son of Levi and Eliza
(Elliott) Ramsey.
illustration He was reared on a
farm and when a boy
attended the country
schools of Nelson and
Amherst counties, and
a private normal in
Amherst taught by
Professor Taylor. He
began his business career
in a store at Buena
Vista and for a while
was a reporter on the
Buena Vista Journal.
In 1892 he located in
Roanoke and accepted
a position in the mill
of J. M. Gambill &
Company. After two
months he was promoted to the position of shipping
clerk in the wholesale establishment of the same firm.
He afterwards accepted a position on the road as
traveling salesman and traveled in Virginia and West
Virginia. Later he accepted a position with the wholesale
firm of Huff, Andrews & Thomas, as traveling
salesman, and later represented the wholesale firm of
F. B. Thomas & Company, dealers in dry goods in a
like capacity.

On September 1st, 1899, he went into the shoe
business in Roanoke with M. G. Rieley, under the
firm name of Rieley & Ramsey with a $5,400 stock.
Later he bought Mr. Rieley's interest and established
the firm of Ramsey & Keister with M. L. Keister as
a partner. Four years ago, Mr. Keister retired from
the firm and since then Mr. Ramsey has been operating
under the name of the Ramsey Shoe Company at
20 West Campbell Avenue. In twelve years the business
has grown until at the present time a $35,000
stock, one of the largest in the city is carried. Mr.
Ramsey is a member of the Chamber of Commerce
and for ten years was Secretary of the Retail Merchants'
Association. He has also served as Secretary and is
nowo ne of the Vice Presidents of the State Association.
He is a deacon in the First Baptist Church and
assistant teacher of the Philathea class in the Sunday

On April 15th, 1887, he married Frances Elizabeth
Layman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Layman of
Botetourt County. Four children have been born to
this union: Lewis L., aged fourteen; Elliott M., aged
thirteen and Lucy Carlene, aged twelve years. Francis
died in infancy.