University of Virginia Library


Hymn, Sung at the Thompson Jubilee, at Barre, Jan. 12, 1854

We hail our Jubilee to-day,
The Christian's Jubilee comes round!
We come our grateful vows to pay,
For this we bid the trumpet sound.
Its welcome notes our bosoms thrill,
For earthly blessings long enjoyed;
How large a space their memories fill,
With pleasures sweet and unalloyed!
The Lord has blessed each fruitful field,
And we would of his goodness tell;
Our Fathers' farms abundance yield,
And here their sons in safety dwell.
With Health, and Liberty, and Peace,
For fifty years He's crowned our lot;
O, may these blessings never cease,
Or be in coming time forgot.
For fifty years thy servant, Lord,
Has preached the Gospel of thy love;
We thank Thee for thy saving Word,
All other gifts how far above!
Behold, as in a fruitful land,
The precious seed he here has sown;
Still prosper, Lord, thy servant's hand,
And still, as Thine, the Vineyard own.
Till, resting from his earthly care,
He join thy saints in courts above;
In higher joys, and duties share,
And feel new measures of thy love.
Poem No. 761; c. 12 January 1854