University of Virginia Library


With shadow black upon the convent wall
In fierce white light the musing Monk doth crawl;
He sees the lizards pass
Beneath him on the grass;—
Silent as they, he stirs, and that is all.
With blood that slippeth slow as hour-glass sand,
He weeds the garden with his lean long hand,
The sun beats down on him,
But, sunless and most dim,
His sad eyes downward look upon the land.
Yet once or twice he riseth up his height,
Gaunt as a tree he loometh in the light,
And gazeth far away
Where, through the trembling day,
Rome sits and gleams, insufferably bright.
His hand he presses on his breast and sighs,
Towers, churches, temples, wearily he spies;
His black eyes blink i' the ray,
His bloodless cheek keeps gray;
He stoops again, and weeds, with weary eyes.
To him there leapeth one with eager bound,
Crying, ‘Ho, Marcus, leave thy garden ground
Gird up thy loins and come
Down to the streets of Rome—
Behold the miracle which men have found!
‘'Tis Venus’ self,—with lips still poppy-red,
Light on her cheeks, bright gold upon her head,
Divine, yet cold in death,
Still living without breath,
As white and chill as is her marble bed;
‘By some dark chemic trick of fingers old
Embalm'd within that ivory coffin cold,
A thousand years i' the tomb
Her cheek hath kept its bloom,
Her eyes their glory, and her hair its gold.
‘Come down and look upon her in her rest,
Her white hands crost upon her whiter breast;
One fold of fleecy dress
Covers her nakedness;
Her face doth smile, as though her dreams are blest.’
The pale monk Marcus scarcely heeds or hears—
He stands and through the sunlight sadly peers—
‘Thou ravest, get thee gone!’
He murmureth anon—
Thin sounds his voice, yea, faint as falling tears.
That other crieth, ‘Doubt me not, but go!
Venus awakes; Rome's buried blossoms blow;
Not Christ in His winding-sheet
Was half so pure and sweet—
Run to the Capitol, and thou shalt know!’
He cries, and soon around him others come,
All panting, pointing to the far-off dome,—
Till, drawn from his cold height
To look upon the sight,
The pale monk Marcus creepeth down to Rome.