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Sec. 376. Hands and utensils in stores, dairies, etc., to
be clean.

Every manager of a store, market, dairy, cafe, lunch room, or
of any other place where a food, or a beverage, or confectionery,
or any similar article, is manufactured or prepared for sale, stored
for sale, offered for sale, or sold, shall equip said store, market,
dairy, cafe, lunch room, or other place, with running water, or
other proper water supply if running water be not available, and
with facilities and material for the proper washing, and shall cause
such washing to be done, of the hands of all persons employed
therein, and for the proper cleansing, and shall cause such cleansing
to be done, of said store, market, dairy, cafe, lunch room, or
other place, and of all apparatus, untensils, and materials used in
connection therewith. Any persons violating the provisions of
this regulation shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a
fine of not more than $25 for each and every such offense.