University of Virginia Library




Say, what should be thy first wish, if a fairy said to thee:
“Now ask a boon—I'll grant it—whatever it may be;”
The first wish of thy heart, I think, may easily be told;
Confide in me, deny it not—thy wish would be for gold.


Oh, no! thou art mistaken; that should not be the boon,
My thirst for this world's lucre is ever sated soon;
The only gold I prize is such as industry hath bought,
And gold like that, from fairy hands, would fruitlessly be sought.


Then say, what would thy first wish be? Ambition's laurell'd name?
The pride of popularity, the pinnacle of fame?
The pamper'd board of luxury, where crowds of menials wait?
Thy second wish will still be gold, to furnish forth thy state.


Ah, no!—the days are long gone by, when such had been my choice;
I ask not fame—far more I prize the self-approving voice:
My first wish should not be for fame, my second not for gold,
But, listen to me patiently, my wishes shall be told.


Oh, give me but a happy home, to share with her I love,
Oh, let me from her path of life each anxious care remove
And like the sweet days of the past, “may we have days in store,”
Oh, give me this, and only this, I'll never ask for more!