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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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Where the clear stream by the wild bank is wirling
& the green awthorn bush shades the spring head
Where the glass wave oer the smooth stone is curling
Feeding the moss bank that warms the hares bed
There let me lie & the daisey notts cover me
While the grass tuft shields the nest of the lark
& the dark oak its brown branches hangs over me
Let this inscription be carvd on its bark


Here lyeth one that did often importune
Fate as a vagrant craves bread to relieve him
& such was the kindness of fate & of fortune
They scarce had a heart a bare sixpence to give him
He toild to the height of his strength till it lasted
Tho small was the portion of strength god had given
& still he hopd comforts till lifes hope was blasted
& then his deaths sigh gaspd to meet it in heaven