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Page 379



President of the University


Dean of the Department of Medicine


Assistant Dean of the Department of Medicine



Page 380
HALSTED SHIPMAN HEDGES, B.S., M.A., M.D.  Professor of Diseases of
the Eye
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M.D.  Professor of Clinical Medicine 
HARVEY ERNEST JORDAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Histology and
ROBERT BENNETT BEAN, B.S., M.D.  Professor of Anatomy 
JAMES ALEXANDER WADDELL, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Pharmacology,
Materia Medica and Toxicology
LAWRENCE THOMAS ROYSTER, M.D.  Professor of Pediatrics 
WILLIAM HALL GOODWIN, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Clinical Surgery
and Gynecology
JOHN HENRY NEFF, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Urology 
WILLIAM EDWARD BRAY, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Clinical Pathology and
Director of Clinical Laboratories
EDWIN PARTRIDGE LEHMAN, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Surgery and
SYDNEY WILLIAM BRITTON, B.S., M.D., C.M.  Professor of Physiology 
WILLIAM EDWARD BROWN, M.D.  Professor of Phthisiotherapy 
KENNETH FULLER MAXCY, B.A., M.D., Dr.P.H.  Professor of Preventive
Medicine and Bacteriology
ALFRED CHANUTIN, Ph.B., Ph.D.  Professor of Biochemistry 
CARL CASKEY SPEIDEL, Ph.B., Ph.D.  Professor of Anatomy 
CARLISLE SANFORD LENTZ, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Hospital
JAMES ROBERT CASH, M.A., M.D.  Walter Reed Professor of Pathology 
TIFFANY JOHNS WILLIAMS, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Obstetrics and
ROBERT VIVIAN FUNSTEN, M.D.  Professor of Orthopedics 
DUDLEY CROFFORD SMITH, B.S., M.D.  Professor of Dermatology
and Syphilology
FLETCHER DRUMMOND WOODWARD, M.D.  Professor of Diseases of
Ear, Nose and Throat
VINCENT WILLIAM ARCHER, B.S., M.D.  Professor of Roentgenology 
JAMES ERNEST KINDRED, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Histology
and Embryology
HENRY BEARDEN MULHOLLAND, M.D.  Associate Professor of
JAMES EDWIN WOOD, Jr., B.S., M.D.  Associate Professor of Internal
DAVID COLE WILSON, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Psychiatry
and Neurology
ALBERT EUGENE CASEY, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Pathology 
CHARLES HOWE ELLER, M.D., Sc.D., Dr.P.H.  Associate Professor of
Public Health
WILLIAM WIRT WADDELL, Jr., B.S., M.D.  Assistant Professor of
CHARLES BRUCE MORTON, B.S., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Surgery
and Gynecology
EDWARD LYMAN COREY, B.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Physiology 
JOHN McINTIRE NOKES, M.D.  Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and
EDWIN WEISMAN BURTON, B.A., M.D.  Assistant Professor of
Diseases of the Eye
CARLISLE SANFORD LENTZ, B.A., M.D.  Superintendent of the Hospital 




Page 381
Charles Varner Amole, B.A., M.D.  Surgery 
Staige Davis Blackford, B.S., M.D.  Medicine 
George Bentley Byrd, M.D.  Obstetrics and Gynecology 
Everett Cato Drash, B.A., M.D.  Surgery 
Richard Taylor Ergenbright, M.D.  Orthopedics 
Frank William Foote, Jr., B.A., M.D.  Pathology 
Andrew DeJarnette Hart, M.D.  Medicine 
Joseph William Houck, B.A., M.D.  Surgery 
Prentice Kinser, Jr., B.A., M.D.  Orthopedics 
Edgar Wilson Kirby, M.D.  Urology 
Stephan Ludewig, Ph.D.  Biochemistry 
Roger Gregory Magruder, B.S., M.D.  Medicine 
David Hill Massie, D.D.S.  Dentistry 
William Maryon Moir, B.A., M.S., M.D.  Pharmacology 
William Herndon Pearson, D.D.S.  Orthodontia 
Charles Walton Purcell, M.D.  Pediatrics 
Monte Lewis Rea, M.D.  Medicine 
John Walton Robertson  Public Health and Sanitation 
Louis John Saxe, B.A., M.D.  Neurology and Psychiatry 
James Karl Scott, B.A., B.S., M.D.  Pathology and Bacteriology 
Herbert Silvette, Ph.D.  Physiology 
Arthur Morton Smith, B.A., M.D.  Surgery 
Francis Arthur Snidow, M.D.  Obstetrics and Gynecology 
Frank Buchanan Stafford, M.D.  Phthisiotherapy 
Oscar Swineford, Jr., B.S., M.D.  Medicine 
Cuthbert Tunstall, B.S., M.D.  Otolaryngology 
William Niebuhr Weaver, B.A., M.D.  Medicine 
Sterling Lewis Williamson, B.S.  Public Health and Sanitation 

Student Assistants

Julian Ruffin Beckwith  Sanitary Inspector 
Carrington Harrison, B.A.  Anatomy 
Victor Fray Marshall  Anatomy 
Wiley Roy Mason, Jr.  Anatomy 
Charles Grandison Pearson  Anatomy 
Thornton Tayloe Perry, III  Anatomy 
Walton Herbert Springall, B.S.  Anatomy 
Marion Lawrence White, Jr.  Sanitary Inspector 


Prentice Kinser, Jr., B.A., M.D.  Service Fellow in Orthopedic Surgery 
Stephan Ludewig, Ph.D.  Service Fellow in Biochemistry 
William Maryon Moir, B.A., M.S., M.D.  Service Fellow in Pharmacology 
William Henry Parker, M.D.  Research Fellow in Surgical Pathology 

Correspondence with reference to admission to the first-year class should
be addressed to Dr. H. E. Jordan, Chairman Committee on Admissions.

For information as to lodgings, board, expenses, etc., address the Bursar,
and for catalogues and other printed literature, address the Registrar.

For other information address the Dean of the Department of Medicine.

The session of 1936-37 opens on September 17. The registration days are
September 17-19. A fee is required for delayed registration.


The requirement for admission to the first year of the Department of
Medicine is a four-year high-school education or its full equivalent, and two
years of work in a college of arts and sciences approved by the Council on
Medical Education of the American Medical Association, as follows:

I. High School Requirements

The following are the minimum high school requirements of the American
Medical Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges and must
be satisfied for admission to all Class A medical schools. Students entering the
College of the University of Virginia for their premedical college work must also
satisfy the regular entrance requirements for admission to the college. These differ
from the requirements stated beyond only in that
units of Mathematics (1½ in
Algebra and 1 in Plane Geometry
) are required.


Page 382

(a) For admission to the two-year premedical college course, students
shall have completed a four-year course of at least 15 units in a standard
accredited high school or other institution of standard secondary school grade,
or have the equivalent as demonstrated by examinations conducted by the
College Entrance Examination Board or by the authorized examiner of a
standard college or university which has been approved by the Council on
Medical Education of the American Medical Association.

(b) Credit for admission to the premedical college course may be
granted for the subjects shown in the following list and for any other subject
counted by a standard accredited high school as part of the requirements
for its diploma, provided that at least 11 units must be offered in
groups I-V:

Group I. English. (3 units required)

Literature and composition.

Group II. Foreign Languages. (2 units required, both of which must be in
the same language)

Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, or other modern foreign

Group III. Mathematics. (2 units required)

Elementary Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry,

Group IV. History. (1 unit required)

Ancient History, Medieval and Modern History, English History, American
History, Civil Government.

Group V. Science.

Botany, Zoölogy, Chemistry, Physics, Physiography, Physiology,
Astronomy, Geology.

Group VI. Miscellaneous.

Agriculture, Bookkeeping, Business Law, Commercial Geography, Domestic
Science, Drawing, Freehand and Mechanical, Economics and
Economic History, Manual Training, Music—Appreciation or Harmony.

A unit is the credit value of at least thirty-six weeks work of four or five
recitation periods per week, each recitation period to be not less than forty

II. Premedical College Course

The requirements given below are strictly minimum requirements. Premedical
students are advised to take more than 30 session-hours of college work, either
by spending an additional year in college or by taking 33 or 36 session-hours
during their two years as college students. Entrance conditions of any kind
whatsoever are absolutely prohibited and no substitution can be allowed for any
required subject.


Page 383

In addition to the high-school work specified above, a candidate for admission
to the Department of Medicine must present evidence of the completion
in a manner satisfactory to this medical school of at least 30 session-hours
of collegiate work in a college approved by the Council on Medical
Education of the American Medical Association. A session-hour is the credit
value of one hour a week of lecture or recitation or two hours a week of
laboratory work throughout a session of at least thirty-two weeks, exclusive
of holidays. The subjects included in the 30 session-hours of college work
should be in accordance with the following schedule:

Required Subjects:

General Inorganic Chemistry (a) 
Organic Chemistry (b) 
Physics (c) 
Biology (d) 
English Composition and Literature (e) 
Other non-science subjects (f) 

Subjects Strongly Urged:

French or German, Advanced Botany or Advanced Zoölogy, Psychology,
Advanced Algebra, Solid Geometry, and Trigonometry, additional courses in

Other Suggested Electives:

English (additional), Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science,
Ethics, Logic, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Drawing.

Credit Not Given for an Incomplete Course:

Credit can be accepted only when the student has a clear record on the
entire course; for example, if the course in General Chemistry is a 6 session-hour
course consisting of 3 hours lecture and 6 hours laboratory weekly for
three trimesters and the student passes on two trimesters but fails on the
third no credit for admission to medicine can be given for the portion of the
subject passed, even though the credit value of this work is 4 session-hours.
In all cases the student must have completed the entire subject for which
he is registered. Deficiencies of this kind may, however, be made up by
obtaining a clear record in the portion of the subject in which the failure
has occurred, without repeating the entire course.

Aptitude Tests: Applicants are strongly advised to take the Aptitude
Tests of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Requirements in Individual Collegiate Subjects

(a) General Inorganic Chemistry. 4 session-hours are required, including
2 session-hours of laboratory work. In the interpretation of this rule
work in Qualitative Analysis may be counted as General Inorganic Chemistry.

It is desirable that more time than this be given to General Chemistry
and especially that either the elements of Physical Chemistry be included in
a 6 session-hour course in this subject or a supplementary course in Elementary
Physical Chemistry be taken.


Page 384

Students are also advised when their premedical work extends over more
than two sessions to take at least 4 session-hours of Qualitative Analysis and
2 session-hours of Quantitative Analysis.

(b) Organic Chemistry. 3 session-hours are required of which at least 1
must be laboratory work. 4 session-hours including 2 session-hours of laboratory
work are recommended as giving better preparation in Organic Chemistry.

(c) Physics. 4 session-hours required, of which at least 1 must be
laboratory work. It is urged that this course be preceded by a course in
Trigonometry and Solid Geometry.

(d) Biology. 4 session-hours required, of which 2 must consist of laboratory
work. The requirement may be satisfied by a course of 4 session-hours
in General Biology or Zoölogy, or by courses of 2 session-hours each in
Zoölogy and Botany, but not by Botany alone. Courses in Physiology and
Hygiene, Sanitation, Bacteriology, Histology, and other similar work covered
in the medical curriculum cannot be accepted as part of the premedical college
requirements in Biology.

(e) English Composition and Literature. The usual introductory college
course of 3 session-hours, or its equivalent, is required.

(f) Non-Science Subjects. Of the 30 session-hours required as the measurement
of two years of college work, at least 9, including 3 session-hours of
English, should be in subjects other than the physical, chemical, or biological

Although not required for admission to the medical school, premedical
students are strongly urged to acquire the basic knowledge of French or
German—and preferably of both French and German—which will enable
them with a little practice to read with ease the medical literature published
in these languages. Apart from the cultural value of the study of a
foreign language and the use which may be found for French and German
in the study of medicine, a reading knowledge of one or both of these languages
is required for certain desirable postgraduate scholarships and fellowships.
When the student presents for admission to the premedical college
course 2 units of high school work in either language, the usual 3 session-hour
"second year" college course will amply give this basic knowledge. When
he begins the study of the language in college, he should take at least 4, and
preferably 5, session-hours in the language.

College courses in Physical Education and in Military Training or Military
Science will not be counted towards the 30 session-hours required for
admission to medicine; nor will required courses in Bible and Biblical Literature
be counted, unless the course has a credit value of at least 3 session-hours
for one session.

No entrance conditions whatever can be allowed nor can any substitutions
be made for the required subjects. Premedical students in other colleges
and universities who are considering the possibility of entering upon their
medical studies in this University are urged to have the authorities of the
University of Virginia pass officially upon their academic credit early in their


Page 385
last premedical college year and in no case later than June 1, of that year. Deficiencies
may be discovered in this way in time to remove them before the
following September. Such students will incur no obligation to enter this
medical school. The prohibition of entrance conditions in all recognized
medical colleges makes it especially important for the student to be absolutely
sure six months or more beforehand that the course he is taking will
admit him to the study of medicine. Many deficiencies can be made up by
work in summer schools.

In planning two years of premedical college work students are advised
to take English, Mathematics (Solid Geometry, Plane Trigonometry, and
Advanced Algebra), Biology, and General Inorganic Chemistry the first year;
and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Foreign Language, and one or more electives
the second year. This arrangement of studies is advised because Mathematics
should precede Physics and General Inorganic Chemistry must precede
Organic Chemistry. Those who have to take 4 or more session-hours
of college work in Foreign Language may find it advisable to take Foreign
Language both years and take the Mathematics in a summer school following
the first premedical college session.

Admission with Advanced Standing.—Students are admitted to advanced
standing in the second and third year under the following conditions:

1. Satisfaction of the requirements for entrance into this department
at the time of entrance of the class to which the applicant seeks admission.

2. The presentation of a certificate of honorable dismissal from the
school last attended.

3. The presentation of the complete record of the student in the school
previously attended, on blanks to be obtained from the Dean of the Department
of Medicine. This record will be submitted to the action of the Faculty
Committee on Advanced Standing, and the admission of the student, together
with the terms of admission, will be determined by this committee.

The Committee on Advanced Standing will not in general consider
favorably applications which are not accompanied by a distinctly good record
in the school previously attended.

Whenever a student is admitted to advanced standing he must take and
pass the full work of the class to which he is admitted unless by permission
of the Dean he substitutes for one or more of the regular courses of his class
other courses of approximately the same credit value.

Students are not received with advanced standing to the fourth-year class.

Limitation of Numbers and Reservation of Places.—The number of students
in the first year class is limited to sixty-five.

Any applicant whose record has been endorsed by the Dean of the Department
of Medicine as entitling him to admission to the class to which he
seeks admittance, may at a specified time after June 25 of which he will be
given due notice and before the registration period in September have a place
reserved for him until 12:00 noon of the first day of registration by depositing
with the Bursar the sum of $50.00 in part payment of the tuition fee.
A reservation so made can be cancelled only in exceptional cases. In case a
student who has obtained a reservation fails to register, the deposit of $50.00
will be forfeited to the University unless, in case of illness or equivalent cause,


Page 386
the Dean of the Department of Medicine directs that it be returned. Unreserved
places are filled from a "waiting list" of approved candidates.

By the deposit, under similar conditions, of the entire fees for the year a
student may have a place reserved for him until 5 p. m. of the last day of

Women over twenty years of age are admitted to the medical department
by satisfying the entrance requirements specified above.

All women students must first register at the office of the Dean of Women,
16 East Lawn.


The new Medical Building completed in 1929 contains modern well-equipped
laboratories for the accommodation of the medical sciences. This
building is connected by corridors and bridges with the hospital, thus bringing
all departments of the Medical School into close physical association.
The new arrangement necessitated extensive changes in certain portions of
the hospital, involving especially the surgical suite, the X-ray suite and the
out-patient quarters. It required also the erection of an enlarged laundry,
a new power plant, and dining halls for hospital staff and nurses. The
Medical School Building consists of two wings connected by an inside
pavilion, all five floors in height. The south wing houses on four successive
floors the departments of biochemistry, pharmacology and materia medica,
physiology, and histology and embryology. On the top floor are the experimental
laboratories, quarters for experimental animals and a fire-proof
storage room for X-ray plates. The north wing gives accommodations on
the ground floor for autopsy rooms, an embalming room, a media room,
refrigeration, incineration and storage. The first floor houses half of the
Out-patient Department and the receiving room. On the second floor are the
offices of administration, the museum and the library. On the third floor
are the department of pathology and bacteriology, and two classrooms. The
fourth floor contains a laboratory for neuro-anatomy. The connecting
pavilion, or west wing, contains on the ground floor four student locker
rooms, the electrical power room, a record storage room, and an amphitheatre.
The latter is two floors in height and extends eastward into the open court
between the north and south wings. On the first floor are a lecture room, a
staff room, a record room, a drug room, and examining and sterilizing rooms.
On the second floor are housed the department of clinical pathology and a
cardiac laboratory. The third floor has three laboratories for gross anatomy,
a study room, a number of offices, and quarters for surgical pathology. On
the top floor are accommodations for the department of public health and

These laboratories are all presided over by trained teachers, to whom
teaching and investigation are primary considerations. The number of hours
assigned to laboratory subjects is quite large and affords ample time for
thorough study by the best methods. The student is brought into close contact
with teachers who are both willing and able to guide him; he gains a
very large part of his knowledge at first hand and by his own exertions,
and thus acquires the habit of working out things for himself; he becomes


Page 387
self-reliant, a quality essential to the practice of his difficult profession.
Trained in this manner, he acquires an understanding of the medical sciences
and the ability to apply the facts of these sciences to the subsequent study of
disease. For these reasons the great fundamental sciences receive the utmost
consideration, constituting a large part of the work of the first two years.

The methods of clinical instruction are based upon the belief that no
clinical teaching is efficient which is not governed by essentially the same
principles as those which govern the best laboratory teaching. This instruction
is accordingly designed to enforce with the individual student a careful,
thorough, face-to-face study of disease and its management. The facilities
afforded by the University Hospital and Out-Patient Department are
described on a subsequent page. In the Out-Patient Department and in the
Hospital the student learns the methods of examining patients, of diagnosing
their diseases, and of instituting rational treatment; and he learns these
things in much the same way as he studied in the laboratory, that is to say,
by doing them himself under the direction and criticism of the instructors.
This practical training is accompanied by a systematic study of the various
subjects by means of lectures, textbooks, and recitations. The student
conducts a complete examination, records his observations in a scientific
manner, makes a diagnosis, states his view as to the treatment indicated,
and keeps a complete record of the case, all under the advice and criticism
of the physician or surgeon in charge. He is expected to keep himself
informed of the progress of the case throughout its course. If it is one requiring
surgical treatment, he assists at the operation, and thus is able to
follow all the procedures of the operator at close range. In addition, students
make frequent visits to the wards with the attending physicians and surgeons,
during which visits the nature, treatment, and progress of various
cases are gone over in detail. The patients of the Blue Ridge Sanatorium
afford additional material for clinical instruction. Since the number of students
in each class is relatively small, it is clear that the department offers
capable young men clinical advantages which are distinctly exceptional.

At the meetings of the Medical Society of the University of Virginia reviews
of important articles, clinical cases and results of original research are
presented by the instructors and by invited guests.

Graduate Instruction in the Department of Medicine is administered under
the Department of Graduate Studies of the University. The courses of
the regular medical curriculum are credited as C courses; elective, special
research and seminar courses are evaluated as D courses. Recent revision
of the medical curriculum, involving chiefly reductions in the number of
session-hours of required work and the establishment of elective and research
courses in each of the major departments, makes possible an enlarged scope
of graduate instruction.

Registrar's Records of Student's Work.—The results of the work of each
student are recorded in the Registrar's office in such manner as to show (1)
the grade received on each course, (2) whether the student has or has not
absolved the course and, if not, what is necessary to obtain a clear record
and admit to dependent subjects, and (3) a valuation in "honor points" of
the results of the work for each session.


Page 388

1. The grade received on each course. These grades with their percentage
equivalents are as follows:

1 + =  95-100 per cent 
1 =  90- 94 per cent 
2 =  85- 89 per cent 
3 =  80- 84 per cent 
4 =  70- 79 per cent 
5 =  below 70 per cent 

The passing grade is 3. A grade of 4 entitles the student to a condition,
as explained below. A grade of 5 means a failure for the course.

No passing grades are reported to the Registrar's office on didactic work
unless the laboratory or clinical part of the course is completed in a satisfactory
manner; nor are any grades reported when the student is deficient
until the deficiency has been made up.

2. Whether the student has or has not absolved the course, and, if not,
what is required to obtain a clear record and admit to dependent subjects.

This is indicated in the following terms:

Passed (P) indicates the satisfactory completion of the course and admits
to all dependent subjects.

Conditioned (C) means that to obtain a clear record on the course the
student must pass a special examination. Failure to take or to pass this
examination is equivalent to a record of "failed." The record "conditioned"
is not given in fourth-year subjects, except in case of illness or other equivalent
cause approved by the faculty.

A student may be conditioned on any examination because of failure
to maintain a reasonable standard of English composition.

Deficient (D) indicates that part of the required laboratory or clinical
work of the course has not been completed. Upon the satisfactory completion
of this work within the time and in the manner prescribed by the
professor in charge, the student receives the record "passed"; otherwise the
record is "failed" on the entire course.

Failed (F) indicates that the course must be repeated; except that when
the laboratory or other practical work has been satisfactorily performed, the
professor in charge may, at his discretion, excuse the student from repeating
the same; and, by special vote of the faculty, the student may be granted
optional attendance upon the course, in whole or in part. In general, a
student who is repeating a course will be required to attend all the exercises
of the course, and will not be excused from any exercise thereof because
of schedule conflicts with more advanced work.

Absence from a regular examination, when excused because of illness
or equivalent cause gives a record of conditioned; if not excused, a record of

3. A valuation of the general results of the work on each course and
of the student's work for the entire session. Honor points and Deficiency


Page 389

The term point is employed as an index of the extent of departure from
the passing grade of 3. No points are given for a mere passing grade; but
for grades above 3 they are designated as honor points (or +) and for
those below 3 as deficiency points (or -)

An honor point may be defined as the value of one-half session-hour of
a course on which a grade of 2 has been received; this value is increased
to 2 when a grade of 1 has been received; and to 2½ when a grade of 1+
has been received.

A deficiency point is the value of 1/3 session-hour of a course on which
a grade of 4 has been received; this becomes 1 1/3 when a grade of 5 has
been received. Deficiency points, once incurred, cannot be expunged. The
1 deficiency point of a grade requiring a conditioned examination becomes
1 1/3 deficiency points if a passing grade is not made on the re-examination,
since the record becomes a failure.

Each course is valued in the usual manner in terms of session-hours.
Then the student's honor and deficiency points are determined by multiplying
the number of session-hours involved by the point value of the grade
earned. The following table gives the values in points for one session-hour
of work for the various grades:

Grade  Point value per session-hour 
1+ (95-100%)  5 honor points (+5) 
1 (90-94.9%)  4 honor points (+4) 
2 (85-89.9%)  2 honor points (+2) 
3 (80-84.9%)  0 honor points (None) 
4 (70-79.9%)  3 deficiency points (-3) 
5 (Under 70%)  4 deficiency points (-4) 

The value in points of a session's work is the difference between the
honor points received and the deficiency points. If there is an excess of
the former, this is indicated by placing a plus (+) sign before the numeral;
if vice versa, a minus (-); if they balance one another, no sign or numeral
is employed, which is also the case where the grade is 3 on all subjects.

Honor points will not be given for grades received on conditioned examinations
or on courses in which repetition was required on account of
poor scholarship. On the other hand, deficiency points will be given in accordance
with the above table. Furthermore, deficiency points shall be
cumulative. A student, having incurred deficiency points in June, shall have
these added to such as he may incur on repeating a course on re-examination
and the sum shall be used in determining his relative rank in his class.

Students, whose excess of honor points over deficiency points amounts
to 50 on the entire curriculum of medical study of any one year, or its
equivalent, are designated as "honor" or "distinguished" students and have
the privilege of optional attendance on the didactic work of the next session.

Special Rules Governing Advancement and Registration.

I. At the close of the University in June the records of the past session
will be reviewed and the students will be classified as follows: (a) Promoted;
(b) Required to Withdraw; (c) Provisionally Promoted; and (d) Required to


Page 390

(a) Promoted. This group shall be composed of all students who have
satisfactorily completed the entire work of the year.

(b) Required to Withdraw. This group shall include such students as
are not deemed competent to continue their training in this school. The
record requiring withdrawal, reckoned in deficiency points and in session-hours,
is as follows:

For first-year class—36 deficiency points regardless of honor points, or
the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 9 session-hours; (2) failures
in 6 hours plus conditions in 4 hours; (3) conditions in 12 hours.

For second-year class—36 deficiency points regardless of honor points,
or the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 9 hours; (2) failures in
6 hours plus conditions in 4 hours; (3) conditions in 12 hours.

For third-year class—26 deficiency points regardless of honor points, or
the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 6.5 hours; (2) failures in
4 hours plus conditions in 3.3 hours; (3) conditions in 8.6 hours.

(c) Provisionally Promoted. This group shall include the students who
have incurred only such deficiencies as can with reasonable expectation be
removed by the opening of the next session. The record entitling provisional
promotion, reckoned in deficiency points and in session-hours, must
not be worse than the following:

For first-year class—28 deficiency points regardless of honor points,
or the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 7 hours; (2) failures
in 4 hours plus conditions in 4 hours; (3) conditions in 9.3 hours.

For second-year class—18 deficiency points regardless of honor points, or
the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 7 hours; (2) failures in 4
hours plus conditions in 4 hours; (3) conditions in 9.3 hours.

For third-year class—18 deficiency points regardless of honor points,
or the equivalent in session-hours: (1) Failures in 4.5 hours; (2) failures
in 3 hours plus conditions in 2 hours; (3) conditions in 6 hours.

(d) Required to Repeat. This group shall include all students not placed
in groups a, b, and c; that is, those who have incurred (1) in the first or
second year between 28.1 and 35.9 deficiency points, and (2) in the third
between 18.1 and 25.9. A student who is repeating a session's work must
attend all the exercises of the year, or courses, and pass all the examinations,
regardless of the grades previously made.

II. Students, classified in June as "Required to Withdraw" or "Required
to Repeat," shall not change their status by passing summer courses and (or)
special examinations.

III. At the opening of the session in September, the status of the students,
who were classified in June as Provisionally Promoted, will be revised
and they will be re-classified as follows: (a) Promoted; (b) Required
to Withdraw; (c) Required to Repeat.

(a) Promoted. This group shall be composed of such students as were
provisionally promoted in June and have now, by summer's work and reexamination,
satisfactorily completed the entire work of the year; i. e., have
not added to their deficiency points.

(b) Required to Withdraw. This group shall be composed of such students
as have failed to make up their deficiencies to such an extent as to


Page 391
incur (1) in the first and second years more than 24 additional deficiency
points, or the equivalent in failures of more than 6 session-hours of work, and
(2) in the third year more than 16 additional deficiency points, or its equivalent
in failures of more than 4 session-hours of work.

(c) Required to Repeat. This group shall be composed of such students
as were not placed in a and b, above; i. e., in the first and second years they
have not more than 24 additional deficiency points; and in the third, not more
than 16 additional.

IV. A student who has been permitted to repeat a year, or prescribed
courses, shall not be granted the privilege for a second time, i. e., he shall not
spend more than five years in completing the requirements for graduation.

V. A student may not take any course, either in whole or in part (as
explained under the above definition of failed) more than twice. A second
record of failed on the same course involves withdrawal from the Department
of Medicine.

VI. A clear record at the opening of the session in September on all
subjects of the preceding year is required for advancement to the third and
fourth years.

VII. Summer courses taken for the removal of deficiencies must be
approved by the professor in whose subjects the deficiencies were incurred;
but it shall be the duty of the student concerned to provide the information
on which to base the decision as to acceptability of courses; he must absolve
the summer work and have an official record mailed directly from the institution
to the professor at the University in charge of the subjects; and in
addition he must report for the special examination at this University and
make a passing grade therein.

VIII. Any student, who makes a grade below passing on any term's
work or is in any way derelict in his duties, shall be warned, warned and
placed on probation, or dismissed, according to the merits of the case.

The value in session-hours of the courses of the first three years:—

First Year  Second Year  Third Year 
Anatomy 1  Physiology  Clinical Diagnosis  2.5 
Anatomy 2  Pathology  Medicine  4.0 
Histology  Pharmacology  Surgery  4.0 
Embryology  Materia Medica  Obstetrics  2.5 
Biochemistry  Physical Diagnosis  Orthopedics  1.5 
Bacteriology  Medicine  Pediatrics  2.0 
Surgery  Urology  1.0 
Ophthalmology  1.0 
Otolaryngology  1.0 
Totals  21  Totals  20  Totals  19.5 

Similar rules are enforced at practically all medical schools. It is exceedingly
difficult for a student who has been dropped or not advanced at
one school to secure admission to another. Compulsory withdrawal may
therefore terminate a medical career.


Page 392

Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, who have less than
one full year's work to complete, may be required to take such additional
work and to pass such additional examinations as the Medical Faculty may
prescribe. This additional work may be selected from any of the courses
given in the Department of Medicine, even when such prescribed courses
have previously been taken and passed by the candidate in question.

Certificates of Attendance.—Students who attend the whole regular course
of one or more of the four years are entitled to an official statement under
the seal of the University, showing all courses for which the student was
registered each year as a medical student and the record (see above under
"Regulations") with the grade received on each course for which he was
registered. These statements will also contain any special faculty votes affecting
the student's registration in this school.

In no case will the University give an official certificate of the completion
of a part of a course. The professor in charge may, at his discretion, make
a personal statement by letter to the head of the same department in another
medical school of the work done by the student in his course; but he must
at the same time clearly state that this letter does not imply credit in this
medical school.

Requirements for Graduation.—The degree of Doctor of Medicine is conferred
by the University of Virginia upon candidates who have complied with
the entrance requirements of this department; attended a regular medical
course of four years of at least eight months each, the last two of which
years must have been at this institution; and have satisfactorily completed
a thesis and all of the subjects included in the medical course.

Examinations.—These are in writing, accompanied in many subjects by
individual practical examinations. Examinations may be held only during the
regular examination periods at the end of each term or during the vacation
periods. No examinations may be given while regular class work is in progress;
provided this rule is not to be interpreted to prohibit unannounced
written tests or regular daily or weekly tests which count on the class standing
of students. The regular examinations are held at stated periods during
the session. In addition, examinations are held each year during the week
immediately preceding the beginning of lectures. To the latter are admitted:

1. Students of the previous session, who, from illness or other equivalent
cause approved by the faculty, were unable to present themselves for examination
in any particular subject at the regular time.

2. Students who at the regular examination in any first-, second-, or
third-year subject of the preceding session have attained a grade less than 80
per cent., but as much as 70 per cent., on one or more subjects, as explained
in a preceding paragraph. This does not apply to students who have been
required to withdraw, or required to repeat, under the Special Rules Governing
Advancement (pp. 389-391).

3. Certain applicants for advanced standing who are required to take
examinations by the Committee on Advanced Standing.

The usual period for special or conditioned examinations is in September
during the week of registration; but such examinations may be scheduled, at


Page 393
the option of the professor in charge, for any other time, provided regular
class work is not in progress and also provided all students entitled to
take examinations agree to the change of date. For a special or conditioned
examination held at any other time than that assigned for all students entitled
thereto a fee of five dollars is charged. This fee must be paid to the
Bursar before the examination is held.

In all courses in which there is practical work, either in the laboratory
or in the outpatient department or wards of the hospital, two records are
returned to the Registrar's office for each student; one of these records is for
the practical laboratory or clinical work in which the record is P(assed),
D(eficient), or F(ailed), the other record is for the didactic work, including
the final examinations—in which case the record is P(assed), C(onditioned),
D(eficient), or F(ailed), with the approximate percentage grade. To obtain
a clear record on the course a student must have a record of P(assed)
both on practical and on didactic work; at the discretion of the professor in
charge these grades may be averaged to determine the final standing of the
student. No record whatever is given on didactic work unless there is a
record of P(assed) on practical work nor will any record be given on practical
work until a clear record is obtained on didactic work; failure on practical
work gives a record of F(ailed) on the entire course.

The Fall Examinations for 1936-37 begin September 14 and close September
19. Students entitled to admission to these examinations will be
informed of the date of examination by the Dean.

Expenses.—The fees for instruction are 1, the tuition fee; 2, the University
fee which entitles the student to the use of the Library, Gymnasium, to
medical attention, etc.; 3, the athletic fee; 4, the Topics fee; 5, special laboratory
fees, as specified in following table.

Tuition (Virginians)  $250 00  $250 00  $250 00  $250 00 
(Non-Virginians)  300 00  300 00  300 00  300 00 
University fee  60 00  60 00  60 00  60 00 
Athletic fee  15 00  15 00  15 00  15 00 
College Topics fee  1 50  1 50  1 50  1 50 
Laboratory Fees: 
Biochemistry  10 00 
Deposit in Biochemistry  10 00 
Anatomy 1 and 2  17 50 
Histology and Embryology  7 50 
Physiology  10 00 
Bacteriology  7 50 
Pathology  5 00 
Pharmacology  5 00 
Clinical Diagnosis  5 00  5 00 
Materia Medica  5 00 
Total (Virginians)  $379 00  $356 50  $331 50  $326 50 
(Non-Virginians)  429 00  406 50  381 50  376 50 


Page 394

The minimum for necessary living expenses, including room, heat, light,
furniture, service, board, books, and laundry, is estimated at $400.

In the course in Biochemistry, a deposit of $10 is required to cover cost
of breakage.

A fee of $3.00 is required of all women students for the upkeep of the
"Women Students' Association Room."

Each student in the Department of Medicine is required to provide himself
with a satisfactory microscope.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the University requires the written consent
of the Dean of the University and the Dean of the Department in which the
student is registered. When a permit is granted upon the University Physician's
certificate that withdrawal is necessary on account of ill health, which
must not be due to dissolute conduct, the fees are returned pro rata. Under
no other circumstances will there be a return of fees.

Combined Degrees in Arts (or Science) and Medicine.—Students who
have credit for the 48 session-hours of the group electives required in this
University for the cultural beccalaureate degrees in arts and science may
substitute for 12 session-hours of Electives-at-Large the first-year course in
the Department of Medicine and receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts or
Bachelor of Science at the end of the year.

The University offers also the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medicine.
This degree has been placed in charge of the Medical Faculty. It is awarded
on the recommendation of the Medical Faculty after the completion of the
second year of the medical curriculum to students who (1) present 33 session
hours of acceptable work in premedical college subjects (whether taken
in the University or elsewhere) as specified below; (2) complete the first two
years of the medical course in this University with grades in general higher
than the lowest passing grade; and (3) demonstrate by examination a reading
knowledge of medical French and German.

(1) Premedical College Subjects.—These must include:

One year of English 
Algebra, Solid Geometry, Plane Trigonometry 
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology  24 
With minimum requirements in each subject as follows: 
(a) General Chemistry (including in this term
Analytical or Physical Chemistry) 
(b) Organic Chemistry 
(c) General Physics 
(d) Biological Science 
Elective in subjects other than Physics, Chemistry and

(2) First two years of the Medical Curriculum, completed with a record
of 30 honor points on first-year subjects and 40 honor points on second-year


Page 395

(3) Reading knowledge of Medical French and German.—This will be
tested by examination consisting of the translation of passages from textbooks
of Anatomy and Histology, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Pathology.
No specific college work is required although the equivalent of 3 session-hour
college courses in each of these languages is desirable. The vocabulary
of medical French and German may best be acquired by using foreign textbooks,
etc., in the above medical sciences as parallel reading, or as summer
reading after the completion of the above subjects in the regular medical


Certain special scholarships are open only to medical students. A considerable
number of other scholarships are open to medical students in common with
students from other departments of the University.

The William A. Herndon Scholarships are founded upon the bequest of
Dr. Cumberland George Herndon, a graduate in medicine of this University.
They are awarded by the Medical Faculty after a competitive examination
held during the summer vacation preceding enrollment as a student in the
Medical Department. Candidates must be unable to defray the expenses of
their medical education and must signify their intention of entering the
medical service of the army or navy of the United States. These scholarships
carry a stipend of approximately $500. They continue for the four
years of the medical course and are awarded whenever there is a vacancy.
Two appointments were made in September, 1934. Applications must be
made not later than July 1 of the year of appointment. For information as to the
examinations and other requirements, address the Dean of the Department
of Medicine.

The Richard Henry Whitehead Scholarships, founded by an anonymous
donor in memory of Dr. Richard Henry Whitehead, Professor of Anatomy
and Dean of the Department of Medicine, 1905-1916, are awarded to young
men of promise who contemplate entering upon lines of medical work which
will advance medical knowledge either pure or applied. They are usually
awarded only to students who have completed at least two years of the
medical curriculum. There are three of these scholarships. New appointments
will be made for the session 1936-37. For further information, address
the Dean of the Department of Medicine.

The Virginia State Medical Scholarships, established in 1925 by the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Two scholarships are awarded
annually in the Department of Medicine, towards the close of the session, to
the students from Virginia on the basis of rank and need, retroactive for the
session. Tenure four years, conditioned upon maintenance of satisfactory
scholastic record. Emolument, remission of tuition fee.

The Doctor William Selden Memorial Scholarship in the Department of
with an emolument of $500. Established through the Centennial
Endowment Fund. Appointment made by the Rector and Visitors upon the
nomination of the Dean of the Department of Medicine.


Page 396

The Doctor Edward May Magruder Medical Scholarship, founded in
1927 by the American Clan Gregor Society, with an emolument of $60, is
awarded upon the recommendation of the Society.

The Henry Clay Marchant Scholarships: two, with an emolument of
$360 each. For detailed information see Henry Clay Marchant Fellowships
in Graduate and General Catalogues. If appointments cannot be made from
the Department of Graduate Studies as therein set forth, then applications
will be considered in the following order from undergraduates: (1) from
those in the Medical Department who may be preparing to be medical missionaries;
(2) from those in the College preparing to enter the ministry.

Other Scholarships and Fellowships open to medical students in common
with students in other departments of the University are: The Bayly-Tiffany
Scholarships; the Valentine Birely Scholarship; the Thompson Brown
Scholarship; the Isaac Cary Scholarship; the Philip Francis duPont Scholarships
and Fellowships; the Richard Eppes Memorial Scholarship; the William
C. Folkes Scholarships; the Frank Stringfellow Hall Scholarship; the
D. J. Hennessy Scholarship; the James Rufus Humphrey Scholarship;
the McCormick Scholarship; the Thomas Fortune Ryan Scholarships; the
Daniel Kerr Stewart Scholarship; the James Parker Williams Scholarship;
the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarship;
the Samuel Watts Scholarship; the Bennett Wood Green Fellowships;
and the John Y. Mason Fellowship.

Loan funds also are available. For full information regarding scholarships,
fellowships, and loan funds, see the General Catalogue of the University.


This prize consists of the interest on an endowment fund and varies in
amount from $600 to $1,000. It was founded in 1925 by Dr. J. Shelton
Horsley of Richmond, Virginia, as a memorial to his father, Mr. John Horsley
of Nelson County, Virginia. The prize will be awarded every two years
by a committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Virginia for the
best thesis based on research in a problem of general surgery.

The prize is open to all graduates of the Medical Department of the
University of Virginia of not more than fifteen years standing. For further
information, address Dr. Edwin P. Lehman, University, Virginia, who is chairman
of the committee of award.


The Alpha Omega Alpha Society.—On November 15, 1919, a charter was
issued for the establishment in this University of a chapter of the honor
medical society, Alpha Omega Alpha, to which there are chosen annually one-fifth
of each graduating class, on the basis of scholarship, character, and professional
promise. Since publication of the last catalogue the following have
been elected to membership: from the class of 1935, John William Ashworth,
Jr., Byrd Stuart Leavell, Carl Louis Wilson and Herman Wolff; and from
the class of 1936, Julian Ruffin Beckwith, John Randolph Tucker Carmichael
and Robert William McCullough.


Page 397


In the following description of courses, the number of hours represents
the amount of time each student devotes to the course. In addition to the
hours scheduled in the third and fourth years of the course, each student
devotes a considerable amount of time to practical work which does not appear
in the schedule, but the satisfactory performance of which is essential
to graduation. Thus the taking of histories, the visits to his cases in the
hospital, assisting at operations, attendance upon cases of labor, the employment
of microscopical and chemical methods of diagnosis in the hospital, require
much time which it has not seemed possible to record in a rigid

The session, exclusive of the time devoted to examination, is divided
into a first term of twelve weeks, a second term of ten weeks, and a third
term of ten weeks.

First Year

Anatomy 1: 19 hours weekly during the first term and 12 hours weekly
during the second term.
This course begins with a systematic study of the bones,
on the completion of which a part is assigned to each student for dissection and
study. On the completion of this course each student has dissected a lateral half
of the body. The student obtains his knowledge at first hand and by his own
personal efforts.

Dr. Bean, Dr. Speidel and Assistants.

Anatomy 2: 6 hours weekly during the second term. This course consists
of a laboratory study of the anatomy of the central nervous system carried out in
considerable detail. The gross anatomy of the spinal cord and brain is first
considered, on the completion of which sections of the more important regions are
studied with the aid of the microscope. Fresh brains and series of sections of
the cord and brain are thoroughly used. A reconstruction of the central nervous
system showing the more important pathways is prepared by each student.

Dr. Speidel.

Histology: 4 lectures or recitations and 10 hours of laboratory work weekly
during the first term.
This course aims to acquaint the student with the microscopic
structure of tissues and organs. Cytogenesis and histogenesis are briefly
considered in the case of many tissues studied. The relation of histology to
physiology and pathology is constantly kept in view. The student is also given
opportunity to acquaint himself with the principles and practice of histological

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.

Embryology: 7 hours weekly during the second term. The laboratory work
(5 hours weekly) with sections and dissections of mammalian embryos, is supplemented
by lectures, recitations, and the study of models. The course aims to
give the student a knowledge of developmental processes, in the light of which
he may the better understand the more abstruse normal conditions of adult
anatomy, as well as many anomalies and variations.

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.


Page 398

Bacteriology: Lectures, conferences and laboratory work 15 hours weekly
during the third term.
The object of this course is to acquaint the student with the
microörganisms which are of importance to man and his environment, the methods
used in their study and identification. The fundamentals of infection and immunity
are taught. So far as practicable the material studied is obtained from the
environment, from the body surfaces and excretions of normal individuals, and
from the body surfaces, excretions, secretions and exudates of the persons with
various common pathological conditions. The student is thus introduced to the
etiology of infectious disease and some of the factors involved in resistance.
Through a consideration of selected bacteriologic and immunologic studies the
basis is laid for the later study of epidemiology and preventive medicine.

Dr. Maxcy, Dr. Scott and Assistants.

Biochemistry: Lectures and laboratory, 7 hours weekly during the second
term and 14 hours weekly during the third term.
Course comprises the chemistry
of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; digestion, intestinal putrefaction, feces,
blood, milk, and bile; particular attention is devoted to the chemical physiology
of digestion, secretion, excretion, internal secretion, intermediary metabolism,
and nutrition. Laboratory work includes the study of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
purine compounds, etc.; gastric contents, blood, milk, and urine; the
digestive enzymes and the digestion of foods; and extensive qualitative and
quantitative work on urine.

Dr. Chautin and Dr. Ludewig.

Second Year

Physiology: Lectures, conferences, and demonstrations, 5 hours weekly during
the first term, and 4 hours during the second term; laboratory work, 7 hours
weekly during the first term, 3 hours weekly during the second term.
In the
lecture course attention is drawn to the fundamental branches of the subject, and
the more difficult aspects are thoroughly discussed. Recent important physiological
contributions are evaluated, and the student is directed further to consult various
monographs and original papers.

The laboratory work consists of preliminary elemental experiments on the
neuromuscular system, followed by intensive courses in mammalian and in human
physiology. The latter are designed particularly to train students to observe and
record, and to interpret and make deductions from their results. Suggestive outlines
only are provided for the experimental studies.

The course in physiology is particularly devised to stimulate and correlate
the student's consideration of the activities of the organism as a whole. Emphasis
is given to those branches of physiology which should prove valuable in later
work in medicine.

Dr. Britton, Dr. Corey, Dr. Silvette and Assistants.

Pathology: 4 hours weekly during the first term; 12 hours weekly during
the second term, and 12 hours weekly during the third term.
By a systematic
series of lectures, combined with demonstrations of both gross and microscopic
preparations, the various morbid conditions of the body are presented. In the
laboratory, under supervision, the student personally examines all of the gross


Page 399
material and devotes considerable time to the study of the loan-collection of slides
with which he is provided.

In addition to this systematic portion of the course an attempt is made to
acquaint the students with fresh tissues and disease as seen at the autopsy table.
With this end in view the class is divided into small groups of students each of
which assists at a limited number of autopsies. Fresh tissues are demonstrated
during class hours and, whenever possible, autopsies are performed before the entire

Dr. Cash, Dr. Casey, Dr. Scott and Dr. Foote.

Materia Medica: Lectures and recitations 4½ hours weekly and laboratory
work 6 hours weekly, during the first three-fourths of the first term.
A thorough
study is made of the sources, preparation, composition, properties and interactions
of medicinal substances to the end that they may be intelligently prescribed.
Special attention is paid to their standardization for purity and potency. Prescription
writing and incompatibility are dealt with in frequent practical exercises.
While the consideration of the more important preparations of the Pharmacopeia
and the New and Non-Official Remedies consumes the greater portion of the
allotted time, the course is concluded with a critical study of many of the so-called
patent medicines.

Dr. J. A. Waddell, Dr. Moir and Assistants.

Toxicology: Lectures and recitations 4½ hours weekly and laboratory work
6 hours weekly, during the last quarter of the first term.
A systematic review is
made of the pharmacological action of such chemic agents as are particularly
liable to cause injury to health or loss of life, special attention being given to
their quantitative effects. Practical instruction is given in the methods of isolating
and identifying. The treatment of poisoning is dealt with in detail.

Dr. J. A. Waddell and Dr. Moir.

Pharmacology: Lectures, recitations and demonstrations 4 hours weekly
and laboratory work 6 hours weekly, during the second term.
The physical and
chemical characteristics and the mode of action of representative drugs and other
chemic agents are dealt with in both didactic and practical exercises. Special
attention is given to analysing and interpreting the results obtained in the laboratory.

Dr. J. A. Waddell, Dr. Moir and Assistants.

Physical Diagnosis and Theory and Practice of Medicine: 3 hours weekly
during the second term and 4 hours weekly during the third term.
is given by didactic lectures, quizzes, presentation of selected clinical cases and
bedside study of physical signs. Special attention is given at the beginning of
the course to the study of the normal subject.

Dr. Flippin, Dr. Mulholland, Dr. Wood, Dr. Blackford and Dr. Swineford.

Surgery and Gynecology: 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of amphitheatre
clinic during the third term.
An introductory course in surgery. Lectures cover
the subjects of wound healing, surgical bacteriology and general pathological
processes of surgical importance, such as tumors, and diseases of the general
systems of the body. Regional surgery is not included. In the amphitheatre


Page 400
clinic there are presented illustrations of many types of wounds and the progress
of the process of healing with and without infection.

Dr. Lehman, Dr. Goodwin and Dr. Morton.

Clinical Diagnosis: 6 hours weekly during the third term. In this course
the student is made familiar with those laboratory methods which are helpful in
the diagnosis of disease. These include, among others, the examination of blood,
urine, sputum, gastric contents, feces, spinal fluid, exudates and transudates.

Dr. Bray.

Third Year

Clinical Diagnosis: 6 hours weekly during the first term. This course completes
the work begun in the second year.

Dr. Bray.

Theory and Practice of Medicine: 4 hours weekly of lectures, recitations
and amphitheatre clinics during two terms of the session; practical work in the
wards of the hospital and in the Blue Ridge Sanatorium during one term.
class is divided into three sections. Students assigned to medicine for one term
of the year act as clinical clerks in the wards of the hospital, where they are held
responsible for history taking and physical and laboratory examinations of patients
assigned to them. (Also see Phthisiotherapy.)

Dr. Flippin, Dr. Mulholland, Dr. Wood, Dr. Blackford and Dr. Swineford.

Dermatology and Syphilology: 2 hours weekly of lectures during the third
term, supplemented by clinics in the out-patient department.
The importance,
etiology, prophylaxis, pathology, clinical history, diagnosis and treatment of
syphilis are discussed. After review of the anatomic and histologic structure and
physiology of the skin the diseases commonly met with are discussed. The main
object in this course is not to train specialists but to give students basic information
regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the common skin diseases and
syphilis. The relationship of these to other branches of medicine is emphasized.
This subject is completed in the fourth year, q. v.

Dr. D. C. Smith and Assistants.

Surgery and Gynecology: 2 hours weekly of lectures and 1 hour of recitation
during the second term; 2 hours weekly of recitation during the third term;
2 hours weekly of amphitheatre clinic throughout the session; with 60 hours attendance
in the out-patient department during the term.
Lectures in the third
year are limited to special subjects such as gynecology, thoracic surgery and
neuro-surgery. Regional surgery is covered through the hours of recitation. One
weekly amphitheatre clinic is devoted to clinical observation and interpretation.
The second weekly clinic, shared by the fourth-year students, covers a more comprehensive
view of disease including the principles of treatment.

The out-patient department course gives opportunities for diagnosis and treatment
of clinical cases under close personal supervision. Experience in dressings,
bandaging, anesthesia and minor surgery is afforded. Surgical appliances and
technique are demonstrated to the students, divided into small groups. In addition,


Page 401
the out-patient department affords practice in physical examination, diagnosis and

Dr. Lehman, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Morton, Dr. Drash and Dr. A. M. Smith.

Urology and Proctology: 2 lectures weekly for the first term; approximately
36 hours in the out-patient department.
In the classroom a general survey
of the surgery of the genito-urinary tract and rectum is made by lectures and
recitations. Especial emphasis is placed upon modern methods of diagnosis
and treatment. In the out-patient department, one-eighth of the class at a time
obtains supervised experience in handling clinical cases and performing minor
operations. Opportunity is afforded for the observation of cystoscopic and
proctoscopic procedures.

Dr. Neff and Dr. Kirby.

Orthopedics: 3 hours weekly during the second and third terms, supplemented
by practical work in the out-patient department.
This course gives a
general conception of the principles of Orthopedic Surgery with detailed instruction
in some of the more common conditions. Assignments are made in the
Orthopedic Text and cases are demonstrated for illustration. Quizzes are held on
the subjects covered. The course includes fractures and their treatment.

Dr. Funsten, Dr. Ergenbright and Dr. Kinser.

Phthisiotherapy: 1 hour of lecture 3 times a week for two weeks, with each
opening of the session, to the entire class; 6 hours weekly for six weeks, with each
of the six sections of the class; and 2 hours weekly in the out-patient department.

The work is given in 3 two-hour sessions a week, held at the Blue Ridge Sanatorium,
and consists of demonstrations, ward rounds and assignment of cases for
history taking and physical examination. At the end of each clinic session the
case history, physical signs, X-ray plates and laboratory findings are compared in
conference. The procedure followed aims to instruct in the diagnosis and treatment
of tuberculosis by systematically presenting each step separately at first
and later combining them all in the full consideration of the case, including the
management and treatment of the patient both in institutions and private practice.

Dr. Brown and Dr. Stafford.

Obstetrics and Gynecology: 3 hours of lectures and recitations weekly during
first and second terms for the entire class, supplemented by approximately 60
hours of practical work for one-half term in sections.
In the lectures and recitations,
the physiology and pathology of pregnancy, labor, and puerperium are discussed.
The practical work for small groups of students comprises manikin exercises,
ward rounds, abdominal palpation of pregnant patients and experience in
prenatal care and pelvic examinations and diagnosis in the out-patient department.
In addition an opportunity is afforded each student for observation of deliveries
and obstetric procedures in the labor rooms.

Dr. Williams and Dr. Nokes.

Pediatrics: 28 hours during the first term and 30 hours during the second
term are devoted to classroom lectures.
Students are instructed in the wards of
the hospital twice a week in ward rounds. In addition, all students serve as


Page 402
clinical clerks and have cases assigned them for their personal care under the
direction of a professor or instructor. They are also required to go into the milk
laboratory and acquire knowledge of the preparation of formulae through practical
experience. One day each week a well-child clinic is held during which normal
growth and development are studied. Once a week a seminar is held with the
ward group during which articles from current literature are abstracted and discussed.
Instruction is also given in the causes and prevention of malformations
of the mouth and their correction by orthodontia.

Dr. Royster, Dr. W. W. Waddell and Dr. Pearson.

Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: 2 lectures weekly during the
last two terms, supplemented in the fourth year by regular two- or three-hour
clinics 3 times a week throughout the session and clinical lectures to sections of
the class as suitable cases occur.
The class is divided into small sections and each
student is taught the methods of examination and the use of the ophthalmoscope,
otoscope, head mirror, and of the laryngeal mirror. In the clinics each patient is
assigned to a student, who must take the history and keep the record of that
patient; the case is then demonstrated by the professor in charge, and, if possible,
each student makes his own examination under the personal supervision of the
attending physician. Clinical cases are abundant, and during the year the student
sees and handles practically all the common diseases of the eye, ear and upper
respiratory tract.

Dr. Hedges, Dr. Woodward, Dr. Burton and Dr. Tunstall.

Sanitation, Statistics and Epidemiology: 3 hours weekly during the third
In a study of the epidemiology of typhoid fever, through lectures and field
trips, the student is acquainted with the problems of water pollution and purification,
soil pollution and sewage treatment, contamination and safeguarding of milk
supplies, environmental sanitation and its control by an organized health agency.
Instruction is given in the fundamentals of medical statistics and in the technique
of epidemiological investigation.

Dr. Maxcy, Dr. Eller, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Robertson.

Fourth Year

Theory and Practice of Medicine: 3 hours weekly of amphitheatre clinics,
lectures and conferences. Daily work in the out-patient department or wards of
the hospital during one-third of the year; the practical work is a continuation of
that of the third year.
In this course the endeavor is also made to bring to the
attention of the senior student the more important problems of Internal Medicine.
The relationship of recent investigations in the fields of normal and pathological
physiology, biochemistry, immunology, etc., to internal diseases is especially emphasized.
No textbook is read; students are referred to the files, current issues
of journals and to reference works in the Medical Library as sources of information.
Appropriate time is devoted to medical ethics and economics.

Dr. Flippin, Dr. Mulholland, Dr. Wood, Dr. Blackford, Dr. Swineford
and Dr. Hart.

Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology: 2 hours weekly during the first
two terms.
The primary object of this course is to interest the student in the


Page 403
practice of preventive medicine. By lectures, clinics and demonstrations the
epidemiology of each of the common communicable diseases is presented. The student
is encouraged to consider these diseases not solely from the point of view of
diagnosis and treatment in the individual case, but to understand the environmental
factors and biologic conditions which are responsible for its maintenance and
propagation in nature, and the possibilities of control or prevention, through the
efforts of the private physician or the functioning of organized public health agencies.

Dr. Maxcy and Dr. Eller.

Dermatology and Syphilology: 2 hours weekly of lectures during the first
term, continuing the course begun in the third year. Also a total of 24 hours
scheduled clinical work in the wards and out-patient department for each senior
Elective courses for more intensive study are available for senior students.

Dr. D. C. Smith and Assistants.

Neurology and Psychiatry: 3 lectures weekly during the first term and
2 lectures weekly during the second term, supplemented by clinical demonstrations
and ward rounds throughout the year.
An effort is made primarily to present
the fundamentals of neurology and psychiatry. In addition to the study of patients
in the wards of the University Hospital, clinics are held at the several
state hospitals for mental diseases.

Dr. Wilson.

Surgery and Gynecology: 1 hour weekly of surgical clinic throughout the
session; 3 hours weekly of ward classes, supplemented by clinic work in the
wards and operating room for one trimester with each of the three sections of
the class.
Instruction in surgery and gynecology is carried on by clinics and
bedside demonstrations in the hospital. In the wards the students are assigned
patients, whose histories they must take. They must also make complete physical
examinations, urine analyses, blood examinations, etc. In the ward rounds the
diagnosis, operative and other treatment, post-operative care of the cases, complications,
prognosis, etc., are discussed in detail. In the operating rooms the students,
in small groups, take part in the operations, thus acquiring familiarity with
technique, anesthetization, etc.

Dr. Lehman, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Morton, Dr. Drash, Dr. A. M. Smith
and Dr. Houck.

Surgical Anatomy: 2 hours weekly during the third term. Prosections of
ten important surgical regions are demonstrated to the entire class. The class
then dissects the same regions in small groups under supervision.

Dr. A. M. Smith.

Surgical Pathology: 1 hour weekly during one-third of the session. This
course is intended to supplement the general courses in pathology and surgery and
consists of lectures upon the pathology of surgical lesions, demonstrations of fresh
tissues obtained from the operating rooms, and examination of microscopic sections.

Dr. Lehman and Assistants.


Page 404

Roentgenology: Lectures, and practical demonstrations to the class in sections
throughout the year.
The application of the X-rays to medicine and the
interpretation of plates in diagnosis.

Dr. Archer, Dr. Kilby and Dr. Hankins.

Orthopedics: 2 hours weekly of ward classes for one semester with each
section of the class, supplemented by ward work and fracture experience.

Dr. Funsten, Dr. Ergenbright and Dr. Kinser.

Urology and Proctology: Ward rounds 2 hours weekly each trimester
with one-third of the class.
The plan of clinical instruction is essentially that
outlined in detail under Surgery and Gynecology.

Dr. Neff, Dr. Kirby and Dr. Davis.

Obstetrics and Gynecology: 1 hour weekly for the entire class throughout
the second and third terms. One-half section for 18 hours weekly for one-half
The exercises for the entire class consist of clinical demonstrations and
discussions of special problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The sectional work
comprises operative obstetrical procedures on the manikin, ward rounds and
demonstrations of obstetrical and gynecological procedures. Practical experience
is given in prenatal, parturient and postpartum care as well as pelvic examinations
and diagnosis in the wards, out-patient department and labor rooms of the
hospital. In addition each student is required to be on duty for two weeks at
the Norfolk Maternity Center in Norfolk, Virginia. While there the student conducts
deliveries in the homes and gets practical experience in the prenatal and
postpartum clinics.

Dr. Williams, Dr. Nokes and Dr. Byrd.

Pediatrics: Each section serves 2½ hours daily in the out-patient department.
The observation and recording of symptoms and signs and a definite amount
of diagnosis and treatment are taught. 12 hours during each term are devoted
to case conference in which an intensive course is given in record keeping with an
explanation of the significance of the signs and symptoms elicited during examination.
12 hours during this term are given to field work which consists of the
observation of home conditions and the preparation of a general sociological survey
under the supervision of the Social Service Worker. Students are then
sent out under supervision for an independent report.

Dr. Royster and Dr. W. W. Waddell.

Medical Jurisprudence: 1 lecture weekly during one term of the fourth
The application of medical knowledge and skill to the needs of the law is
presented. References to literature are assigned for the fuller development
of special topics.

Dr. J. A. Waddell.


These courses are open to students of the fourth year and to graduate students.
Each student during his fourth year is required to take an elective course
of 60 scheduled hours.


Page 405

Histology and Embryology

1. The histology and embryology of the blood forming tissues.

2. The histology and embryology of the endocrine tissues.

3. The histology and embryology of the reproductive organs.
9 hours weekly during the third term.

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.

Anatomy and Anthropology

1. Topographic and Applied Anatomy: 8 hours weekly during the
second term.

Dr. Bean and Dr. Speidel.

2. Special Anatomical Dissections: Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Bean and Dr. Speidel.

3. Physical Anthropology: 9 hours weekly during the second term.

Dr. Bean.

4. Research in Experimental Anatomy: Opportunity for original investigation
is afforded a small number of specially qualified students.

Dr. Speidel.


1. The biochemistry of internal diseases: A seminar course in the biochemistry
of the diseases of nutrition and metabolism. Assignments in the literature
are made and the student abstracts and reports on some phase of the topic
to be discussed. An attempt is made to correlate recent advances in clinical
biochemistry to disease. This group meets twice a month at night for two hours
throughout the session. An informal discussion is led by the faculty members.
The course is not given unless chosen by eight or more students.

Dr. Chanutin, Dr. Mulholland and Dr. Blackford.

2. Biochemical preparations: Individual instruction is given in the separation,
purification and identification of products of biochemical nature. 6 hours
of laboratory work a week during the entire year.

Dr. Chanutin.

3. Physiology of nutrition: An attempt is made to cover the subject of
nutrition in its broadest aspects. Various phases of digestion, respiratory, basal
and intermediary metabolism are studied. Previous knowledge in Biochemistry
is necessary. 1 hour a week during the entire year.

Dr. Chanutin.

4. Biochemical seminar: Papers pertaining to Biochemistry and related
subjects in the English, German and French literature are read by the participants.
The student is enabled to keep in touch with the advances made in the
subject. 2 hours a week during the entire year.

Dr. Chanutin.


Page 406

5. Biochemical research: For those students properly qualified the laboratory
will be opened during the academic year and summer vacation.

Dr. Chanutin.


1. Applications of physiology to medicine: Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Britton.

2. Functions of the alimentary tract and related organs: Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Britton.

3. Comparative physiology of the internal secretions: 6 hours weekly
during the third term.

Dr. Corey.

4. Physiology of the fetus: Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Corey.

5. History of physiology: Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Silvette.

6. Advanced physiology: Part I, historical, general physiology, neuromuscular
system; Part II, metabolism, circulation; Part III, respiration, secretion;
Part IV, central nervous system, special senses. Hours by arrangement.

Dr. Britton, Dr. Corey and Dr. Silvette.

7. Original investigation: Opportunity is afforded a limited number of
qualified students to undertake investigative work at any time throughout the
year in physiology or nearly related sciences.

Dr. Britton, Dr. Corey and Dr. Silvette.


1. Pathology: An elective course in pathology is offered to all students of
the fourth-year class 2 hours weekly throughout the session.
The nature of this
course will vary according to the number of students who apply for it. Regardless
of the manner in which the course is conducted, its general purpose is to
afford the student, who has already had considerable training in clinical medicine,
a systematic review of the anatomical changes occurring in the commonly encountered
diseases. The current pathological material is demonstrated to this
group of students throughout the year.

A limited number of students, who seem properly qualified, may undertake
the study of special problems in which they may be interested. Hours by special

Dr. Cash.

2. Surgical Pathology: An elective course in surgical pathology is offered
to two students in the fourth year. The course will consist in an examination
of the daily biopsy material from all clinical departments, including both gross and
microscopic. Students taking the course will have access to the gross and microscopic


Page 407
material in the files of the Department of Pathology. The completion of
some research problem will be encouraged.

Dr. Casey.


1. The influence of chemical structure on pharmacological action, the
significance of the presence and position in the molecule of alkyl, hydroxyl,
carboxyl, and amino radicles being investigated.

2. The standardization of drugs, embracing a study of the most representative
methods, chemical and biological.

3. The isolation and identification of poison in tissues, vomitus and

4. The biological significance and pharmacological actions of the compounds
of certain metallic elements, particular attention being given to Ca,
Fe, Mg, Mn, and Cu.

Didactic, 2 hours a week and laboratory 4 hours a week during the first term.

Dr. J. A. Waddell and Assistants.

Dermatology and Syphilology

1. Clinical Dermatology and Syphilology: 3 afternoons weekly for one
trimester in the out-patient department.

Dr. D. C. Smith and Assistants.

2. Laboratory and Clinical Medical Mycology: 2 hours weekly during
the entire year.

Dr. D. C. Smith and Assistants.

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Clinical Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology: 3 afternoons weekly throughout
the session.

Dr. Hedges, Dr. Woodward, Dr. Burton and Dr. Tunstall.


Mental Hygiene: 3 hours weekly during the entire year, clinic 2 hours
weekly and seminar 1 hour weekly.

Dr. Wilson.

Internal Medicine

History of Medicine: 2 hours weekly during the second term.

Dr. Hart.


1. Surgical Pathology: The daily material from the operating room and
the collection of pathological material in the files of the laboratory are studied,


Page 408
with correlation between the pathological findings and the clinical history. The
students are expected to examine all fresh material in the gross and to study the
microscopic pathology. The view-point of the course is the interpretation of these
observations as illustrating the development and progress of surgical disease. 2
hours weekly for the session. Limited to four students of the fourth year.

Dr. Lehman and Assistants.

2. Surgical pathology and research in the field of the biological sciences
on subjects related to clinical surgery. The former portion of the course consists
of study and reports on a large collection of surgical pathological material.
The latter portion is to be arranged individually with the director. The student
is expected to spend his entire time for the year. Open only to graduate students
with M.D. degree and at least one year of interne service.

Dr. Lehman.


The Department of Medicine not only fosters in its methods of instruction
the inductive study by the student himself of the phenomena presented
by the human body in health and disease, but also encourages the spirit of
investigation of unsolved problems of medical science and practice on the
part of the instructors and students. Students are encouraged to engage in
research as they are prepared for it, usually assisting an instructor in some
special duty or else conducting the research under his guidance and advice.
For this purpose the scientific and clinical laboratories offer the necessary
facilities, and heads of departments will always be glad to suggest and outline
problems for investigation by any medical student or by others possessing
the necessary training therefor.

Library.—The Medical Library is housed in the New Medical Building,
and is in charge of a special Librarian.


Public Health Administration: For physicians desiring to qualify themselves
for work in public health, theoretic and practical instruction is offered
under special arrangements.

Dr. Maxcy and Dr. Eller.


Executive Committee of Hospital: Drs. Goodwin. Royster. Neff, Williams,
(ex officio) and Lentz (ex officio).

Visiting Staff: Drs. Hedges, Flippin, Royster, Goodwin, Neff, Lehman,
Williams, Funsten, D. C. Smith, Woodward, Mulholland, Wood, Wilson, W.
W. Waddell, Morton, Nokes, Blackford, Swineford, Hart, Burton, Tunstall,
Drash, Macon, Daniel, Rea and Ergenbright.



Page 409
Carlisle Sanford Lentz, B.A., M.D.  Superintendent of the Hospital 
James Robert Cash, M.A., M.D.  Pathologist 
William Edward Bray, B.A., M.D.  Director of Clinical Laboratories 
Vincent William Archer, B.S., M.D.  Roentgenologist 
William Niebuhr Weaver, B.A., M.D.  Resident Physician 
Joseph William Houck, B.A., M.D.  Resident Surgeon 
Edgar Wilson Kirby, Jr., M.D.  Resident Urologist 
Prentice Kinser, Jr., B.A., M.D.  Resident Orthopedist 
Francis Arthur Snidow, M.D.  Resident Obstretrician 
Charles Walton Purcell, M.D.  Resident Pediatrician 
Frederick McCulloch Morrison, M.D.  Resident in Diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Edwin Edmunds Barksdale, B.S., M.D.  Resident Dermatologist and
Walter Leroy Kilby, B.S.Ed., M.D.  Resident Roentgenologist 
Louis John Saxe, B.A., M.D.  Resident Psychiatrist 
Roger Gregory Magruder, B.S., M.D.  Assistant Resident Physician 
Charles Varner Amole, B.A., M.D.  Assistant Resident Surgeon 
John Walter Davis, Jr., B.A., M.D.  Assistant Resident Urologist 
Charles Hampton Mauzy, Jr., B.S., M.D.  Assistant Resident Obstretrician 
Glassell Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, M.D.  Assistant Resident in Diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Walter Douglas Hankins, M.D.  Assistant Resident Roentgenologist 


  • William Eugene Apperson, M.D.

  • Joseph Russell Cook, B.A., M.D.

  • Noble Maxwell Goodloe, M.D.

  • William Rollan Hill, B.S., M.D.

  • Charlton Gilmore Holland, Jr., M.D.

  • Albert Emanuel Long, B.A., M.D.

  • Asher Richardson McComb, B.S., M.D.

  • John Osborne McNeel, B.A., M.D.

  • Charles Collins Orr, Jr., B.S., M.D.

  • Lawrence James Pace, M.D.

  • Edward Frost Parker, B.A., M.D.

  • Jesse James Porter, B.A., M.D.

  • William Lyons Taliaferro, M.D.

  • Martin Robert Wisely, M.D.

  • William Swope Wray, B.S., M.D.



Page 410
Josephine McLeod, B.A., R.N.  Superintendent of Nurses 
Margaret Pinkerton, R.N.  Assistant Superintendent of Nurses 
Ruth Beery, B.A., R.N.  Instructor of Nurses 
Anne Yarrows, R.N.  Operating Room Supervisor 
Ellen Carter, R.N.  Medical Supervisor 
Martha McDowell, R.N.  Pediatric Supervisor 
Marie DeWitt, R.N.  Obstetrical Supervisor 
Margaret Bucko, R.N.  Orthopedic Supervisor 
Louise Phillips, R.N.  Urological Supervisor 
Helen Sutherland, R.N.  Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Supervisor 
Isadora Poe, B.A., R.N.  Out-Patient Department Supervisor 
Alice Holladay, R.N.  Pediatric Clinic Supervisor 
Elizabeth Gaw Shugart, R.N.  Dermatological Clinic Supervisor 
Roy Beasley, R.N.  Night Supervisor 
Minnie Freese Payne, R.N.  Anesthetist 
Carrie Mays, R.N.  Assistant Anesthetist 
Jane Egan  Physiotherapist 
Lois Ransom  Assistant Physiotherapist 
Margaret Ellen Poindexter, B.S.  Dietitian 
Lillian Boyce, R.N.  Instructing Head Nurse 
Hannah Burruss, B.A., R.N.  Instructing Head Nurse 
Lois Nichols, R.N.  Instructing Head Nurse 
Katharine Robinson, R.N.  Instructing Head Nurse 
Ruth Snavely, R.N.  Instructing Head Nurse 
Myrtis Jennings Baber, Ph.G.  Pharmacist 
Maud Lambert  Assistant Pharmacist 

The hospital is the property of the University and is under the exclusive
control of its Medical Faculty. It was designed and is administered as a
teaching hospital, being so arranged that free use can be made of its clinical
material without in any way disturbing or violating the privacy of other patients.

The location of the University Hospital is a most favorable one, being
situated at the intersection of two great railway trunk lines near the geographical
center of the State. A large population outside of the city of
Charlottesville is available as a source of clinical material, both in the wards
and the Out-Patient Department. The hospital is thus enabled to serve a
large area of the State and the transportation facilities are such that this
service includes a progressively increasing number of emergency cases and
cases of acute illness.

The buildings are arranged upon the pavilion system, consisting of a
central structure, four stories in height, to which have been added up to the
present time five additional units, including a service building. The central
building is largely devoted to administrative purposes and general service departments.
The four pavilions are connected with the main building by
corridors on each floor. In these are located the wards and suites of rooms
for private patients. As at present constituted, the hospital has a capacity
of about 300 beds; of these, approximately 225 are available and used for
clinical teaching. During the past year there were 7,092 admissions to the

Attention is particularly called to the fact that the hospital, with its
associated Out-Patient Department, constitutes a most valuable part of
the teaching facilities of the Department of Medicine. The size of the clinic
permits the presentation of a wide variety of cases, and the organization of
the hospital as an integral part of the Medical Department affords exceptional
facilities for thorough study of patients.


Page 411


Commodious and well-equipped quarters for the treatment of ambulant
cases are provided in the north pavilion of the hospital, and medical school
building, and the service is conducted under the direct personal supervision
of members of the teaching staff of the Medical Department.

The character of the equipment of this department and its location in the
hospital makes possible the use of thorough methods in the diagnosis and
treatment of cases, and the systematic examination of each patient is thus
emphasized at the very outset of the student's clinical experience. 37,681
visits were made by patients to this department during the past year.


The Blue Ridge Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis, which is
owned by the State and controlled by the Virginia State Board of Health, is situated
near the Medical School. Under a plan of coöperation agreed upon by the
State Board of Health and the University, the Medical Director and other members
of the staff of the Sanatorium give instruction in the diagnosis and
treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis to students in the Medical School. The
Sanatorium has accommodations for 270 patients. Work at the Sanatorium
is part of the required course. This affiliation of the Sanatorium and the
Medical School offers an opportunity almost ideal for the medical student
to become thoroughly familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of this
most important disease.


A training school for nurses is conducted in connection with the hospital.
Full information regarding requirements for admission, and the course of instruction
may be obtained by addressing the Superintendent of Nurses.