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[Jesu, my Hope, my Help, my Power]

Jesu, my Hope, my Help, my Power,
On Thee I ever call;
O save me from temptation's hour,
Or into hell I fall.
If by Thy light I now perceive
My utter helplessness,
O do not for one moment leave
The sinner in distress.


I cannot trust my treacherous heart,
I shall myself betray,
I must be lost if Thou depart,
A final castaway.
I feel within me, unsubdued,
A cursed, carnal will;
It hates and starts from all that's good,
And cleaves to all that's ill.
My soul could yield to every vice
And passion in excess;
My soul to all the height could rise
Of daring wickedness.
The blackest crime upon record
I freely could commit,
The sins by nature most abhorr'd
My nature could repeat.
I could the devil's law receive,
Unless restrain'd by Thee;
I could (good God!) I could believe
The Horrible Decree.
I could believe that God is hate,—
The God of love and grace
Did damn, pass by, and reprobate
The most of human race.
Farther than this I cannot go.
Till Tophet take me in:
But O, forbid that I should know
This mystery of sin!
Jesu, to Thee for help I fly;
Support my soul, and guide:
Keep as the apple of an eye,
Under Thy shadow hide.


Withhold my foot from every snare,
From every sin defend;
Throughout the way my spirit bear,
And bring me to the end.
Wisdom and strength to Thee belong,
Folly and sin are mine;
But out of weakness make me strong,
But in my darkness shine.
My strength will I ascribe to Thee,
My Wisdom from above;
And praise to all eternity
Thine all-redeeming love.