University of Virginia Library

[The Dying Parishioner]

a Drinker sair on his Death Bed Lying
sent pressin[g] for the Parish Preist
to come (&) comfort him when dying
and help to Ease his troubled Breast
the man of God came in great haste
with Pious mind & heart right wae
to help his now departing Ghaist
as far as words & prayers might gae
a while he sat awaiting when
he'd bid him Pray or give advice
but mickle was the monk mistane
for Colvin's lust was some mair nice
these had nae hand in his device
for thus besought he the Divine
Good Sr for Peity Love or Price
procure me some Burgundyan wine
he Kend the Priest did often dine
with a good Lord that was na sweir
to sloken drouth[y] sauls in pyn
with Burgundy or Claret Clear


This was his Reason hale in sending
for the Right Revrend Mr Troter
wha left him with sma hopes of mending
a Saul in sic Dry Clay a Cotter
but help the Levit loot him ly
nane to assist him now was found
Till a Samaritan came by
and Pourd french Bawm in to his wound
Blyth Colvin saw the Glas gae round
Just at the closing of his Lease
in Burgundy his pains was Drownd
& syn he flited aff with peace