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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Was born in Nelson county, Virginia, on December 2, 1837, a son of
Reuben Tucker Burnett, who was born in Nelson county on July 31,
1797, and is living now with him in Staunton, and a grandson of Richmond
Burnett. His mother was Eliza Corbin, daughter of Charles W.
Purvis, she was born in Nelson county, and died on December 24, 1882,
aged eighty-three years. His wife, whom he married on November 12,
1862, and who was born in Staunton, November 10, 1845, is Catharine
J., daughter of Samuel M. Woodward and his wife Mary C., daughter


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of Peter Hanger. Her mother died at the age of sixty-eight years, her
father, who was born in Augusta county, and was many years steward
of the Western Lunatic Asylum at Staunton, died at the age of seventy-nine
years. The children of William A. Burnett and wife were born
in the order named. Mary Briscoe, Effie P. Miller, Janet, Florence,
William E. (died in 1874, aged eleven months, eleven days), Anna,
(now deceased), Harry, Aubrey, Bessie, Pattie and Catherine.

Mr. Burnett was educated at Newmarket, Fairfield and Staunton,
Virginia. He entered the clerk's office, county court of Augusta
county, about 1854, at the age of seventeen years, where he has continued
ever since, and is now clerk of the court. During the civil war
he discharged the duties of clerk for Gen. John J. Imboden, then the
incumbent of the office, with the exception of a brief interval when he
was in the army, though never regularly enrolled. Mr. Burnett is a
member of the order of Knights of Honor, and himself and wife are
members of the Episcopal church.