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Cæsar's Camp near Alexandria.
Enobarbus walking in great emotion before it. Soldier enters.
So, brother soldier, didst thou tell Agrippa?

I did, my lord; he'll wait you by-and-by.

Well, well;—I am not custom'd to attend
The leisure of the great.
[Exit Soldier.
Why did I come?—'twas but a gustful word
Torn from him, and cast forth by sudden passion.—
Were Antony as he was, I had done nobly;
Now, it was base—Misfortune has its privilege,
And should not be forsaken!—
Fie, fie, Domitius!—

Scarus enters.

My lord Enobarbus, my master
Antony grieves for some offences he has done you.



Offences?—Ay, Scarus; great offences!


He sends you many greetings, and
kind adieus; and wishes you may find a more
grateful master.

There's no doubt, there's no doubt, Scarus;
Cæsar's worth twenty of him!


He sends you, moreover, all that is
precious of your moveables, and trebles your store
from his own treasury.

Tell him I am rich enough in the graces of Octavius.
Take back your trumpery!


Here are ten camels laden, each of
them richer than a Phænician hulk.


Cast your treasures into the Nile—
They'll make sport for the divers.—Hence!—or I
call the guard!


How this will vex my noble master,
Antony!—Farewell, Enobarbus—by the gods,
I always thought you of a kindlier disposition.

[Exit Scarus.

He is gone in time—I could hold it no
longer—I am the veriest varlet of the earth!—O
Antony, Antony! thou mine of bounty, thou
spirit of fellowship, and heart of friendship!—
Were the gods of my counsel, this world were a
petty earnest of thy boundless domain.—How I do
shrink, and vanish into nothing, within my own
contempts!—Night, thou true mistress of dun melancholy,
discharge thy poisons on me!—Heart,


that left him, dash on the flint and hardness of thy
fault, till thou art powder!—

Alarm sounded. Soldiers cross the Stage in a hurry.
1st Sold.
To arms, to arms!
Antony is already in the field,
And drives the advanced squadrons of our army,
Like dust before the hurricane!

[Exeunt Soldiers.
Now, now,
[Alarm continues.
Without his knowledge could I but cast
My blood and life into his cause, I then
Should die, in part reveng'd upon his graciousness!
