University of Virginia Library



Philostrates, Mysti, attendants, &c.
A nymph slain in our woods!
Unheard of prodigie, there are no savage beasts
And much lesse men so savage and barbarous
To violate the lives and Honours of our Nymphs—
Stay, is not that she there? alas it is
Too true, behold Philena dead—

Hum Philena, 'tis a strange case this
One cannot know the Mopets from the Wenches here,
They are all so dead and spiritless.

Stay! who is that
Stands suspitiously there, is't not he has murther'd her?

Ceaze on him, and till he can acquit himself
Of the crime, let him stand charg'd with it.

Ah! now I'm paid
For my following of Wenches,
No warning, no warning wou'd serve my turn,
And see what comes on't:
Now if I be hang'd, what a goodly exhortation
Shall I make, with an—oh good people,
Let all young men take warning by me; for
This comes of following of Wenches,
I've been a wicked liver in my days,
And one o'th' greatest Wenchers—and


See what't has brought me to,
The Gallows, a wry-mouth, a neck as long
As a Cranes, and so with a thump on the brest,
There'll be an end of Pamphilus.