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A Comedy

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Cricca, Lelio, Antonio.
Tis but lost labour to disswade his dulnesse,
Believe me that's your father.

When I drove him hence,

Spight of my bloud his reverent countenance
Strook me t'a deep compassion. To cleere all,
He aske one question. Signior Antonio,
What money took you when you took your Voyage?

As I remember, fourscore and fifteen pound
In Barbary gold. Had Lucio kept his word
I had carried just a hundred.

Pardon me father;
'Twas my blinde ignorance, not want of duty,
That wrong'd you: all was intended for a Farmer,
Whom an Astrologer, they said, transform'd.

How an Astrologer?

When you parted hence
It seems you promis'd Flavia to Pandolfo.
News of your death arriving, th'old Gentleman
Importunes me to second what you purpos'd.
Consulting therefore with my friends and kindred,
Loth my yong sister should be buried quick
I'th' grave of threescore yeares: by their advice
I fully did deny him. He chafes and storms,
And findes at length a cunning man, that promisd
To turn his Farmer to your shape: and thus
Possesse your house, and give him Flavia.
Whereof I warnd, wrongd you instead of Trincalo.

Then hence it came they cald me Trincalo,
And talkt of an Astrologer; which names
Almost inrag'd me past my selfe and senses.
'Tis true I promisd, but have oft repented it.
And much more since he goes about to cheat me.
He must not have her, sir.

I am glad y'are so resolv'd.
And since with us, you finde that match unequall,
Let's all intreat you to bestow your daughter
Upon his sonne Eugenio.

Sonne at your pleasure
Dispose of Flavia, with my full consent.

And as you judge him worthy your daughter Flavia,
Think no lesse of his Sulpitia.

I do: and ever had desire to match
Into that family; and now I finde my selfe
Old, weak, unfit for marriage, you shall enjoy her;

If I can worke Pandolfo by intreaty.

To deale with him with reason and intreaties,
Is to perswade a mad-man: for his loue
Wakes him no lesse. All speeches opposite
T'his fixt desire, and loue-corrupted iudgment,
Seeme extreame fooleries. Will he consent
To giue his daughter to your sonne and you
Deny him Flavia: Shall Eugenio
Expect or land or loue from old Pandolfo,
Being his open riuall; tis impossible.
He sought to cosen you; therefore resolue
To pay him in's owne money. Be but aduisd
By my poore counsell, and one stroke shall cut
The root of his designes, and with his arrows
Strike his owne plot so dead, that Albumazar,
With all his stars and instruments, shall neuer
Give it fresh motion.

Cricca, to thy direction
We yeeld our selues, manage vs at thy pleasure.

Speake quickly Cricca.

The ground of all this busines,
Is to catch Trincalo, and locke him fast
Till I release him: next, that no man whisper
Th'least word of your return. Then will I home,
And with a cheerfull look tell my old Master,
That Trincalo—but stay, look where he comes,
Let's in, and there at leasure ile informe you
From point to point. Lelio, detain him here,
Till I send Armellina down to second you.
Crosse him in nothing, call him Antonio,
And good enough.

Feare not, let me alone.