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Andromana Sola.
So Badgers dig the holes
And Foxes live in them: Of all Factors
State-factors are the worst, and yet least to themselves
Of all their labour. This Libacer is wading
To the throat in blood to do me service,
And Ile reward him with a halter.
Tame fool, can he imagine I remove
A husband and a son, to suffer him
To live still and upbraid my ills.

It is resolv'd.
Enter Libacer.
But here she is, I must speak fairly for a while:

How doth it succeed now, my darling?
Shall we be great? great alone?

As great as pride and fulness of revenge
Can swell us. Hark in your ear, Madam,
Ile tell you all our plot, but softly,
For perhaps the jealous walls may eccho
Back the treason.

They whisper.