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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XXIX.

The Argument.

This doth inuite,
All stately might
to note Gods mighty power:
Hym iust to serue
Who can preserue
and els can them deuoure.

Afferte Domino.


Ye sonnes of God: sprede ye abrode,
the Lordes great power and strength:
Bryng ye your lambes: of mighty rambes
to God hys laudes at length.


The Lord ensue: wyth honor due,
extoll his myght and name:
And eke expresse: his holines,
hym laude in court of fame.


His voyce so grand: on sea and land,
note how the floudes it stayd:
Gods maiesty: you then dyd see,
on them when thunder brayd.



Hys voyce rulth sea: how houge it be,
hys voyce is sterne and stout:
His voyce is thus: most glorious,
when it dryueth leuyn out.


This voyce so free: breakth Cedre tree,
no force can it repell:
It dryueth euen downe: of Lybanon,
hys Cedres, though they swell.


He made them skip: in rootes to flip,
as calues do vse to praunce:
So Lybanon: and Syrion,
as Unicorne to daunce.


The Lord by voyce: the fiery noyce,
of flames in partes can send:
The cloudes among: he lightneth strong,
wyth shoures he fyre can blend.


It can distres: all wyldernes,
yea Cades desert wyde:
The beastes I say: which there do stray,
it make themselfe to hyde.


This voyce doth bynde: to calue the Hynde,
thicke trees it open layth:
Therfore men all: in temple shall,
hys honour prayse in fayth.


Where they shall sing: that God as kyng,
hath rule of waters all:
On whom he setth: as kyng is fit,
and so for euer shall.



The Lord all wealth: and stable health
shall geue hys people kynde:
God them shall blesse: wyth full increase,
all peace and rest to fynde.