University of Virginia Library



There's a light in Rooknest turret,
And a flame on the Beacon Hill;
Look! there went up the signal fire
From the tower at Wetherby mill;
From the steeple on Vivian Moor,
Hurrah! for the spirt of red.
If I guess right, no Jacobin
Will spend to-night in bed.
Look! that's on the cliff at Fowy.
Answering one at sea:
Did you hear that gun-shot, Willy?
If I were not eighty-three,
I'd burn our ricks to spread it
Round all the Devon coast.
Bring me my old buff jerkin;—
These Dutchmen rule the roost.


Was that a horn? a gnat could hum
As loud indeed as that.
Wake Jack, and Ned, and Harry,
With gun, and sword, and bat,
Leave me to feed the falcons,
And every man to horse;
For twenty thousand Jacobins
To-night must meet in force.
“Ah! here is Severn riding lightly,
Redfern, gay, and arch, and sprightly.
Rough old Wilcox, stern and knightly,
With the Cornish men in blue;
Dallasy, the proud and trusty;
Willoughby, the young and lusty!
Gifford with his corslet rusty,
All in groups of two and two.
See the yeomen, lords, and vassals,
Noblemen from grey old castles:
Grey and Fosbrook, Hale and Lascelles.
Thirty barons from the Trent—
Duffield, Thornton, Hull, and Russel—
Iron champions in a jostle,
With their gilded trains, who hustle
Every man that Devon sent.


Only here and there a cripple,
Red-nosed sot who loved his tipple,
Or an angler watching ripple,
Lingered when the cry went up.
Every farmer left his village,
Every ploughman left his tillage,
Every bird-boy, keen for pillage,
Drained the ready stirrup cup.
Then through old Cornwall's duchy
The cry ran “Lads to horse,”
And twenty thousand Jacobins
Rose all at once in force.